Gracie's Touch Zion Warriors 1

Gracie's Touch Zion Warriors 1 by S. E. Smith

Book: Gracie's Touch Zion Warriors 1 by S. E. Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: S. E. Smith
his heated flesh. He leaned over and blew a hot breath against her distended nipple. Mohan cursed when a purr escaped her throat and her body arched into it. She hated the sensual nature of her Ta’nee half. She was rare among her kind, even among her own sisters and brothers, as she had only had a handful of sexual encounters and only with males she was drawn to on a deeper level. Her only lapse into one night stands had been with Kordon and that was after she had drunk far too much.

    Mohan hissed as Quan bit down on her nipple causing it to sting briefly before he rolled his tongue over it. She was frustrated she wanted him again after he tricked her last night. When he caught up with her in the lift on the pretense of asking her a question she didn’t think anything of it. She had spent the last several days doing everything she could to avoid him. She might have been able to convince him she wasn’t interested in him if her stupid fur would have cooperated but the moment the doors of the lift closed and his scent filled it, her fur started rippling in a mad rush of colors. The next thing she knew she was in his living quarters. It wasn’t until he made his outrageous claim that she was his that she tried to leave. When he tried to stop her, she bit him. For a Ta’nee, that was a big no-no. A Ta’nee’s bite was only given to her mate. Their saliva contained a chemical agent that increased their sexual stimulation and, on the right person, a bond. Mohan didn’t mean to bite Quan. She fought like the wildcat she was when she felt the taste of him. If he didn’t feel the same for her, she would always be alone.

    “Easy, kitten. Easy.” Quan said as he slid his hand down over the soft light coating of fur on her flat belly. “Easy.” Quan whispered as he let his fingers test her readiness for him.

    “Quan…” Mohan half moan, half purred. She moved against his fingers trying to force them inside her. “Please…” Mohan arched against his palm.

    “Admit you are mine, Mohan. Admit you are mine and I will release you and give you what you are begging me for.” Quan said softly against her swollen mound.

    “Yes.” Mohan whispered frightened.

    Quan rose up over her again and looked down into her beautiful dark eyes. “Yes, what?” Quan asked harshly.

    Mohan’s eyes glittered with unshed tears. “Please don’t hurt me.” Mohan whispered. “Please.”

    Quan’s eyes softened as he looked down on the most beautiful female he ever saw. “I could never hurt you, Mohan. You are my life mate…mine to love and mine to protect.” Quan said gently.

    Mohan bit her lip before she responded. “Then, I am yours.”

    Quan growled out in triumph as he sliced through the bonds holding Mohan’s hands. “What about my legs?” Mohan asked as she ran her soft, fur covered hands over Quan’s cheeks.

    Quan grinned wickedly before he slowly impaled his swollen cock deeply into Mohan. “I like having you spread open and ready for me.” He said with a groan as he began moving faster, letting the swollen bands on his cock lock him to Mohan.

    “Mine, Mohan. Mine.” Quan said as he felt his first release. Mohan just purred.

Chapter 9

    Gracie sat next to Mohan in the communication’s room listening to the recordings the mining foreman made before he was killed and the few transmissions recorded from Corasone Five. The familiar sounds sent a shiver down her spine. She understood what they were saying because she had listened in on all their communications over a five year period.

    “Destroy unused portions. Return to mother ship.” Gracie was saying softly as she listened to the voices coming through the headset. “All parts received. New breeders have been contained for implantation.”

    Gracie forced the nausea down as she continued deciphering the mismatch of com munications. There wasn’t much really, just disjointed phrases. Gracie was about to explore the ship when Mohan showed up earlier

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