Among Wolves
when I walk
into the barn. It's crazy."
    "I know. It is." Charlie heard Roman walking
down the hall towards them. Roman placed a duffle bag with the
other luggage by the door.
    "What time you reckon we'll be headin' on
out?" Butch asked.
    Charlie answered, "The day workers are comin'
at seven. Earliest I can get them."
    Butch nodded, turning the volume back up on
the television.
    Roman left the room, heading towards the
    Charlie glanced at Butch and they exchanged
frowns. "He's real bad, Charlie."
    "Yeah. He is. Worse than last time. And I
don't know what to do about it."
    "That agent, Phil, he'll be there in Heber,
    "Right." Charlie patted Butch's leg then felt
him flinch under his touch. Charlie took back his hand and shifted
over, not wanting to make Butch uncomfortable. "Butch, I won't bite
    "I know, Charlie." Butch reached out to touch
Charlie in reassurance.
    Roman returned, a cold beer in his hand. He
sat on the sofa, adjacent from where they were, and sipped it from
the bottle.
    "You won't but he will," Butch said.
    Roman glanced over but didn't react to the
comment, as if he knew what they were talking about. "What are you
    Butch tossed him the remote. "Don't
    Roman flipped channels and stopped on a
    Charlie realized what it was. " Teen
Wolf ? Since when are you a fan?"
    Butch choked on a comment and covered his
mouth to hide it.
    Roman set the remote control down and stared
at the show.
    "It's his new reference guide." Butch
    "Shut up." Charlie nudged him, then gazed at
his lover, who was slouched low on the soft sofa, straddled,
holding his beer between his legs.
    When Roman met Charlie's gaze, Charlie felt
the fire instantly. He tried to focus on the show, and keep his
lust for his wolf-man under control. But it wasn't easy.
    All Charlie wanted to do was get naked and
grind on Roman's body.
    Butch glanced from one man to the other,
since they were on opposite sides of him. Then he watched the
television program, which was a mixture of cute boys and gory
    He grew uncomfortable when someone on the
show changed into a werewolf and tore up a human. "Do we have to
watch this?"
    Roman tossed the remote control at him.
    "I mean," Butch held the remote as he spoke,
"It might have been funny a couple weeks ago…but."
    Charlie stood up from the couch.
    Butch was about to tell him it was okay, he
would leave it on the channel, but Charlie was giving Roman a look.
A 'look'.
    Roman guzzled the beer, staring at
    Butch's gaze made its way to Roman's crotch.
The man's jeans were bulging from a hard dick. "Damn."
    Charlie left the room.
    Roman finished the beer and wiped his mouth
with the back of his hand, licking his lips as he watched
    Butch stuck his hand into his pants to adjust
his stiff cock. "Why don't you two let me in no more?"
    "Huh?" Roman stood, obviously distracted by
Charlie's flirting.
    "Roman. You two used to let me watch, let me
jerk off with you."
    "I don't care. Ask Charlie." Roman set the
bottle on the coffee table and headed down the hall.
    Butch pointed the remote to shut off the TV,
spotted two werewolves fighting and hesitated. When he turned to
look at the hall, the two men had closed themselves into their
bedroom. Viewing the violence on the television, Butch had second
thoughts. The last thing he wanted to do was get bit,
'accidentally'. And while those two made love? They were out of
    Especially now.
    Laughter and the bed creaking followed. Butch
shut off the television and listened. His cock throbbed in his
pants. He tossed the television remote on the couch, stood, and
headed towards the sound. Love noises, whimpers, shifting on the
mattress, got Butch so hot he was going crazy. He removed his
shirt, touched his own nipples, and undressed in the hall, dropping
his clothing on the floor. Then he tried the doorknob. They never
locked it.
    Through the gap in the door he could see
Roman on top of Charlie.

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