Memoirs of a Timelord

Memoirs of a Timelord by Ralph Rotten

Book: Memoirs of a Timelord by Ralph Rotten Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ralph Rotten
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arc of flight significantly.  It would mean that our two ships would intersect on a steep course.  As the distance between us quickly diminished, we were all a little nervous.  Sure, Veena and I had a pretty good idea that this was all fake...but if we were wrong.  If that were a real Rakagi craft then we would slam into the hull at full speed.  I doubt we'd chip the paint.
           "You're really sure about this?" I asked my sister using sub-audible comms.  I didn't want the bridge crew to know I had any doubts.
           "If we're wrong, at least the Rakagi will think that we had some stones for attacking them.  Maybe our death will be merciful.  I hear they respect that kinda stuff, y'know." The way she said it, I could almost hear the shrug in her voice.
           "Sure, what's the worst that could happen?  Some heads end up on pikes, they skin the rest of us while still alive.  No pressure." I echoed her sentiment as I braced for impact with the dreadnaught's hull.
           Then just like that we passed through this perceptual barrier and we were within the cloaking projection itself.  All around us is the sheen of the cloak as seen from the inverse side, and at the center of it all is a small vessel.
           Looking out a porthole I scan the ship with my eyes, sharing the data with Veena as soon as I collect it.  It's tiny, no more than a yard square, shaped like a very aerodynamic egg.  But then I notice something; the ship is now heading directly towards us, and fast.
           "Oh, now they wanna play chicken." In my mind I ran the numbers, immediately calculating that there was nothing we could to avoid the inevitable collision.  The Kulu just didn't have enough power to overcome their own inertia so quickly.
           "Sound for collision!" Brady screamed as soon as he saw it coming straight for us.
           I was grimacing when the little ship impacted with our hull.  Actually it was a bit underwhelming, there was no flash or breach, no debris, it just sorta vanished.  At least that's how it looked at first.  It took everyone a few seconds to realize that the little aerodynamic egg was now sitting quietly on the floor in the middle of the room.
           Mouths agape, we could only watch as a small seam appeared on the side of the tiny ship, slowly spreading until a portal was visible.
           "If this guy looks like Ron Howard's brother then I'm punchin' him, soooo hard." I noted for the record.
           "Eh?" Veena asked, unsure of the reference. 
             Sliding open silently, the door revealed a little hairy rat paw as the occupant climbed out of the snug little craft.  Right away I had an idea who this was.  
           "Morby?" Veena greeted the little hardware savant as she rushed forward to offer him a hand.
           "Morbesta, I shoulda known.  Who else has toys like this, eh?" I nodded to the little hardware savant as he climbed out of the vehicle with help from my sister.
           "I heard there was a party and assumed that my invitation must have been lost in the transit." Pretending to scowl at me, his expression turned back to a smile as he greeted Veena.
           "You look tired from your trip..." Veena pooh-poohed the little rat.  Reaching down she scooped him up like a cat before cradling him in her arm.  Laying belly up, she caressed his hairy midsection.
           "So very tired, but some more of this and I could recover entirely." He seemed to almost purr as Veena cuddled him.  That was my sister's secret power; she knew exactly how to find your sweet spot and appeal to it.   Me? Morby wouldn't even let me scratch him behind the ears, let alone pick him up for a full belly rub.  She just had this magic with people.
           "You can't park that here," Ensign Brady flushed as he saw that Morby intended to leave the vessel there on the floor.
           "F'git about it." I did my best Jersey accent as I reassured the

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