Gracie's Touch Zion Warriors 1

Gracie's Touch Zion Warriors 1 by S. E. Smith Page A

Book: Gracie's Touch Zion Warriors 1 by S. E. Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: S. E. Smith
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outside of Kordon’s living space with Quan in tow. Gracie smiled at the huge warrior who was practically standing over Mohan and growling at any male who walked by them. Mohan just rolled her eyes and whispered frantically for Quan to knock it off. At least that was what it sounded like to Gracie. She had spent a good portion of the morning studying the language most commonly used on board the ship. It was called Confederation Standard. She was able to identify the main letters that made up its alphabet and most of the sounds thanks to the computer console in the room. There were a few she was having a little bit of difficulty with and wanted to ask Mohan about but overall, she felt confident it wouldn’t take long for her to learn the language.

    When she felt like her brain was about to explode , she decided a walk through the ship might help her relax. That was when she practically walked right into Mohan standing outside the doors. Mohan asked if Gracie would like to accompany her to the communication’s room. She felt confident Gracie might be able to help her with the deciphering of the language. Mohan became concerned when Gracie turned pale as she began playing the communications. Quan was about to call for Kordon when Gracie held up her hand for him to stay. She listened through the communications once before she began speaking in a soft monotone translating the Alluthan’s communication into English. Mohan listened intently as she began speaking before translating it into Confederation Standard so the others could understand. Quan turned sharp eyes on Gracie before he quietly left the room.

    “Kordon ? ” Quan called softly into his comlink from outside the communication’s room.

    “Kordon.” The deep voice responded.

    “Gracie Jones has translated the messages. It is the Alluthans. Mohan is translating for you now.” Quan said calmly looking on as his life mate’s head bowed closer to that of Kordon’s.

    Quan listened as Kordon breathed in deeply before responding. “On my way.”

    Quan turned to watch as Gracie showed Mohan how to read the message in Alluthan. Mohan smiled gently at the small human sitting beside her, nodding in understanding. Quan felt his heart swell at his life mate’s gentleness. He would give his life to protect both females from such a fate as the women captured.


    Gracie laid her head down on Kordon’s chest feeling totally exhausted. She spent the day with Mohan in the communication’s room. Kordon came down briefly to talk to her about the transmissions. Gracie explained the language was identical to the Alluthans who attacked Earth. She would need more information to tell if their programming or anything else had evolved over the past three or eight hundred years. If not, or if not by much, she knew the back doors into their systems. Gracie explained everything she knew about the Alluthans. How they were primarily solitary spaceships, rather like scavengers, except when there was an abundance of resources. She explained the infrastructure of the mother ship and the fighters, supply ships, and ground forces based on what she learned on Earth.

    Afterwards, Kordon simply touched her cheek and left with a nod to Quan who nodded grimly back at him. Mohan gently guided Gracie out and they ended up in the dining hall where Mohan began giving Gracie intensive language lessons. Gracie surprised Mohan with her quick ability to catch on. It was during this conversation that Mohan asked Gracie how she was feeling now.

    “I feel needed…useful.” Gracie told Mohan hesitantly glancing at Quan who was seated a couple of feet away with a group of warriors.

    He glanced over but didn’t move to join them. It was as if he knew Gracie needed time alone with another female. Gracie gave him a small, grateful smile before turning back to Mohan.

    Gracie played with the cup in her hand. “I’m still scared and sad. It is hard to lose everything and everyone you ever loved one

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