Bound by Her Best Friend (A Club Smex Story)

Bound by Her Best Friend (A Club Smex Story) by Emma Shortt

Book: Bound by Her Best Friend (A Club Smex Story) by Emma Shortt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Emma Shortt
little mew. It hit him hard. It made him throb.
    “Relax, Sparks,” he whispered. “Relax.”
    Her legs went loose and she opened up to him.
    “My God, look at you,” he breathed. “You have the prettiest pussy I have ever seen.”
    “It’s not pretty. It’s—”
    “Perfect in every way. Glorious.” He paused, looked up, caught her gaze, clenching inside at what he saw there. “I am going to lick every single inch of you both inside and out. Christ, Freya you have no idea how many times I have wanted to bury my face in your pussy.”
    “I knew you’d be bare,” he continued, ignoring her gasp. “But look…” He ran the palm of his hand across her pelvis, feeling the soft tuft of curls underneath, tickling him. “I knew you’d save a little up here. Some curls just for me.”
    “I prefer to be bare,” she whispered. “It’s more comfortable.”
    “I would have taken you any way I could get you,” Zak said. “But this? It’s just right and I can’t wait any longer. I’m going to taste you, Frey, every single bit. You’re going to please me aren’t you? By creaming my face?”
    The way she said his name, the way it fell from her lips, Zak feasted on it, on them. He couldn’t wait to have her on her knees in front of him. Her hands behind her back—tied there preferably—with her face upturned, that stubborn look she sometimes got flashing in her eyes. He’d cup the back of her head with one hand and move it forward until his cock rested just on the very edge of her lips. He’d pause for a moment, look down and see his cock head straining to get inside of her, maybe her tongue would dart out to moisten it? Slowly, he’d then slip it inside of those lips. They’d open; a slight gasp would sound, tickling along his length. Christ, he could imagine it perfectly, had imagined it so many times.
    Only now it was real.
    He could do it.
    Feel it.
    Then when he could take it no more he would push his dick into her waiting wetness, feel her lips move along the width of him, her tongue touching along the base, her throat opening to accept everything he had to give.
    Zak buried his face in Freya’s pussy. He was not gentle about it and took no notice of her nervousness. That he was nervous. Together they were a powder keg just waiting to explode.
    He licked her from the very base all the way to her clit. Over and over he tasted her and she squirmed beneath his tongue. He took her clit into his mouth, suckling it, nibbling it. It tasted so fucking good! How had he managed to wait so long!
    He pulled her further down, as close as he could possibly get and let her scent surround him, inhaling it. He licked, he nibbled and bit, a never ending pressure on all of her most sensitive spots.
    “Zak,” he heard her sigh. “That feels so good.”
    One of her legs fell from his shoulder. Zak twisted his body slightly and lifted his hand. Carefully, in a measured stoke, he filled Freya with a finger. Her pussy muscles clenched around him, sucking him in and he pumped in slowly at the same time he feasted on her clit. In tandem, he worked the motion and time seemed to suspend itself. Zak had no idea how long he worked her pussy and clit, aware only of her moans and gasps, of her hips arching, her knees trembling. She pushed against him, her body asking for more. He filled her with another finger, angled his head for better access to her clit, suckling it in over and over.
    She let out a shuddering gasp. And then, when his cock began to throb in a way that screamed at him to replace the fingers, her thighs tensed, her pussy clenched, and she screamed his name.
    She was climaxing.
    With his name on her lips!
    Satisfaction the likes of which Zak had never known spread through him as he worked Freya’s orgasm from her. She creamed his fingers, creamed his face, and screeched her satisfaction. He was light headed from it, the moment he had fantasized about for so long. It was everything

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