Bound by Her Best Friend (A Club Smex Story)

Bound by Her Best Friend (A Club Smex Story) by Emma Shortt Page B

Book: Bound by Her Best Friend (A Club Smex Story) by Emma Shortt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Emma Shortt
his head. “I’m going to have you bare. I’ve waited too long for you to put a rubber between us.”
    “I’m clean. Trust me, Freya. I won’t hurt you. Never would.”
    No, she thought, he wouldn’t. And besides, Freya was on the pill to regulate her periods, pregnancy wasn’t an option. And she was clean. Of course, Zak would be. He would never risk otherwise with her.
    “I trust you,” she replied. “Always have.”
    He entered her slowly, their gazes on one another, like he was savoring the moment. He was so long there was no need for him to guide his way into her with his hands, he simply positioned his body and slipped inside.
    Freya curled her fingers around the rope, her nails embedded into it as his length filled every inch of her. It felt amazing, like a shot of pure pleasure. Zak was big, bigger then she was used to, but it was right .
    And there in his eyes was something that she knew was reflected in hers.
    At last.
    Once he was seated deep inside he began to move, slow, measured thrusts that pulled him to the brink and then back in again. Freya closed her eyes, tightened her thighs around him and matched him thrust for thrust. It was painfully erotic, hands bound above her, her breasts thrust forward, and Zak plumbing her body with his.
    He nuzzled her neck, kissed his way up her jaw and then—and the moment felt just like that, a moment—Zak leaned in and he kissed her on the lips. Their first kiss, and to Freya, it felt like it would be that way. That it was always going to be. No normal kiss for them, nothing half hearted, but Zak buried inside of her, creating delicious shivers that raced through her body as his mouth found hers.
    He kissed her slowly, taking his time, his lips moving against her, his tongue teasing the tip of hers. For a brief flash, Freya wished her hands were free so she could cradle the back of his head and pull him in for more. The slow thrusts, the languid kiss, it was too much. She needed more!
    She twisted her arms, tried to lift her head, but she was bound too tight. And then, when it reached the point where she thought she might scream, almost like he read her mind, Zak angled his head and crushed her mouth to his. He consumed her. Taking everything she had and speeding up so that his cock was plunging inside her. He pounded in and out of her pussy with speed, over and over until her head spun.
    Freya loved it, gloried in it. She kissed him back with a fierceness that shocked even her, titled her hips so that he could go as deep as possible. Her nipples ached, her wetness flooded them both, and already a second orgasm was building inside.
    “Please, Zak,” she begged, wrenching her lips from his. “Please.”
    “Please what?” he demanded. “Tell me what you want.”
    “More,” she said. “I need more.”
    He pulled out of her so swiftly Freya gasped in surprise. Next thing she knew he was grabbing something out of one of the baskets and flipping her over. Her hands tangled a little in the knot, but Zak soon fixed it, maneuvering her hands within the rope so Freya was on her elbows and knees, Zak behind her, palming her ass.
    “Tell me no,” he grated. “If you don’t want this.”
    A finger slipped along her anus leaving Freya in no doubt as to exactly what Zak was going to do. “I’ve never…” She let the sentence trail off.
    “Then I’m your first,” he breathed. “And that leaves me no choice.”
    A cold squirt of something hit her ass. It tingled on her skin. Zak rubbed it all over her, even down to her pussy where it burned with a pleasure that had Freya panting.
    “I want to be inside there,” he said. “But not today. It’s too soon. We have to make you ready.”
    He slipped the slim line plug inside her before she could finish the sentence, and not slowly either, but in one quick move. Freya gasped from the sudden feeling of being stretched. It was unlike anything she had ever

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