Bound by Her Best Friend (A Club Smex Story)

Bound by Her Best Friend (A Club Smex Story) by Emma Shortt Page A

Book: Bound by Her Best Friend (A Club Smex Story) by Emma Shortt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Emma Shortt
he could ever have wanted it to be and then some.
    It was pure perfection.
    It was worth waiting ten long years for.

    Chapter Thirteen
    Freya panted as the last waves of her orgasm crested through her body. Her hands clenched around the crisp, white bed sheets, her spine arched, her head thrown back. She had never felt anything like it, never before had an orgasm been so intense. It was like it came from deep inside her, dancing along her clit, pushing inside her pussy where Zak’s fingers still pumped slowly.
    She let of a juddering breath and lifted herself up slightly, head spinning. At that exact same moment, Zak lifted his head and their gazes collided.
    “Zak,” she whispered.
    “Sparks.” A grin and then, “You are so prefect.”
    She shivered. He was deadly serious, meant every word. How could she have been so stupid for so long?
    He stood up, his eyes devouring every inch of her, from her hardened nipples to her open thighs, then to her face. His gaze changed as their eyes met, softening almost.
    Quickly, he undid his shirt, revealing a body that Freya had always known was defined, toned, but had never realized quite how much. Hair sprinkled across his chest, running down his abs, disappearing into his pants—pants that were tented from his raging cock.
    Freya sat up and reached forward to release it, but Zak halted her by taking the zipper at the bottom of her dress and opening it in two all the way to her ribs. A moment later he undid the zippers below her breasts so that the material parted allowing them to fall out.
    “I imagined you like this when I bought the dress,” he said. “I knew how sexy you’d look, only now…”
    “I want you naked,” he said. “I’ve waited so long.”
    There it was again, another confession that told of Zak’s true feelings for her. Freya stilled her hands and looked up at him.
    “How long?” she asked.
    He responded by removing the dress completely and leaving her bare but for the inner layer of leather straps around her breasts and across her pelvis. They outlined all the pleasure spots, drawing his gaze.
    “Too long,” he simply said.
    She wanted to know more, to understand, but Freya feared that if she did, if everything fell away between them, it would be too much, so instead she scooted forward and tugged on Zak’s belt. He helped her, undoing it quickly, the zipper pushed down, the pants falling, until finally, he was naked too.
    His cock was magnificent; there was no other word for it, long and thick it sprung from the base of curls at the root for several inches. Freya reached out to take one of his balls in her hand, testing the weight. Heavy with come they filled her palm. She leaned down, intending to take him into her mouth, desperately wanting to lick up the pre-cum already leaking from his cock-head.
    Zak gave her no chance. He pushed her back on to the bed and covered her with his body. “Later,” he whispered.
    “No. Now.”
    “Sparks…” He placed a kiss on her ear, another on her jaw. “When will you learn to do as you’re told?”
    Freya didn’t understand what he planned until her hands were above her head, and the feel of the rope wrapped around her wrists. She gasped and looked up, both horrified and excited as Zak secured her to the bed.
    “That’s better,” he said. “You’re mine to do exactly what I want with. Now spread your legs wider.”
    She did, opening them to their fullest extent, testing the rope as she did. It was tied tight, expertly knotted. Freya was not going to get free unless Zak allowed it. Why was that thought so exciting? Why did it make her pussy wet, her nipples stiff? Freya had never been bound by a man before and yet with Zak it felt right. She trusted him completely, knew that if she asked he would undo the knot.
    But she wasn’t going to.
    “Look at me, Freya,” he said. “Look into my eyes as I fill your body.”
    “But…” She paused. “A condom?”
    Slowly, he shook

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