Knight, Dee S. - Bride of the Pryde (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Knight, Dee S. - Bride of the Pryde (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) by Dee S. Knight

Book: Knight, Dee S. - Bride of the Pryde (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) by Dee S. Knight Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dee S. Knight
happening now.
    And she meant to do something about it.

    * * * *

    The door to the bridge opened. Concentrating on a course plot, Erik didn’t look up. “Put the coffee on the table, please, Dilly.”
    “It’s not Dilly.” Susan’s voice sounded deeper. There was a hint of hesitation in it.
    Charlie turned away from the console. “Are you feeling better? I worried about you.”
    “I know you did,” she said. She walked to him and took his face in her hands. His surprised expression morphed into tenderness as she lowered her head and kissed him. He pulled her between his legs and deepened the kiss. Then gently she extricated herself. Turning, she smiled at Adam and him. What was she up to? Not half an hour ago she’d said she would stay in her cabin. Her tone and fierce expression had left no doubt that she would not welcome male company.
    She made her way to Adam. “Are you truly my mate?”
    “I am.” He dipped his head. “Whether you want me or not, I am bound to you.”
    “I want you.”
    His head snapped up and he examined her eyes. He took her hand and placed it on his cock.
    Erik didn’t have to touch anything to know Adam’s cock was growing under her palm. She stroked him. His eyes turned smoky with desire. Sliding his hand under the top of her shirt, he sought her breast. Erik imagined kneading her breast and flicking his thumb over her nipple. His groin ached. His cock pulsed, rising, his sac hung heavy. Erik crossed his arms, waiting for her to finish with Adam.
    Backing up, she broke her connection with Adam and strode to him, at last. He regarded her with a hooded gaze. The woman who had left the wardroom might have been a warrior, but the Susan who stepped toward him now was all sex goddess.
    Her lips were red and ripe from kissing Charlie, her nipples erect and breasts pert from Adam’s ministrations, and her eyes flamed with desire.
    “What are you doing?” he asked.
    “I’m admitting I was wrong. If there was no Pheron, then my actions can only be the result of my own desire.” She skimmed the nail of one finger across his cheek. “I thought I should fight it but have decided that as long as I’m with you, there’s no reason to.”
    Susan took his wrists and uncrossed his arms, pushing them to his sides. Stepping closer, she ran her hands up his chest. His breath quickened, but he tried not to let her know.
    “This ship, this time, is set outside my normal life. It’s freedom I didn’t expect. I’m here, you’re here. I know we have a vital mission, but I want to experience a part of life I’ve ignored until Erik’s Pryde . I can do both—help with the mission and fulfill a fantasy. Will you allow it, Captain?”
    In answer, he pushed his hand beneath her waistband and cupped her sex. She hitched her breath and held it as Erik inserted two fingers in her pussy. Unerringly, he found her G-spot. Her eyes closed, her mouth open, she gave in to his strokes
    God, she was wet and ready for a cock. In seconds she would come, but it was too soon for that. If Susan wanted a fantasy, the crew of Erik’s Pryde would give it to her.
    He withdrew his hand, bringing a whimper to her lips. With a silent gesture, he drew the others forward.
    They made quick work of removing her clothes. She made no attempt to stop them. In fact, she let them do as they pleased. And they did.
    Erik dropped to his knees and spread her legs. He felt rather than saw Adam at her back and Charlie sucking her tits.
    Her scent overpowered him. He sank his face into her pussy. The softness of the skin under his kneading fingers made him itch to touch her all over. He moved lower and dipped his tongue between her lower lips and into the channel that sent out the fragrant musk of sex. He pushed his uniform to his knees, freeing his dick. It twitched, seeking a wet, tight, hot hole to fill.
    As he pressed his tongue deeper into Susan’s channel, he felt Adam pushing back as he rubbed her butt cheeks. Erik lapped at

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