A Little Harmless Lie 4

A Little Harmless Lie 4 by Melissa Schroeder

Book: A Little Harmless Lie 4 by Melissa Schroeder Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melissa Schroeder
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    Just that one word, the tone, sent a rush of shivers racing over her body. He offered no more, but Micah wasn’t used to explaining himself. And truthfully, what woman wouldn’t go for it.
    A smart girl.
    Shut up, smart girl.
    “So, are you busy?”
    Of course, she wasn’t. He knew that more than anyone other than Keisha. She had actually planned on working on her new identity.
    The moment the thought popped into her head, guilt stole through her. God, she was sick of it, sick of being someone else, of pretending that her life was normal. For once she wanted it to be. She wanted to be the normal girl on a date with a sexy man, especially one that women yearned for. After just the few encounters, she knew she wanted more. More of him.
    She would just have to keep her head screwed on straight.
    He released a barely audible sigh. Had he thought she would say no? What woman would say no to him?
    A smart one.
    I told you to shut up.
    “I’ll pick you up at eight.”
    “Until then.”
    He said nothing else as he hung the phone up. Dee clicked hers off and held it against her chest. What the hell had she just done? She knew going out with him tonight would probably be a mistake. Ever since that first kiss, hell since she was first hired, she’d wanted him. With each passing day, she was drawn to him more. He was wooing her. She felt it deep in her bones. It struck her as odd for a man like him. Doms weren’t always the most romantic, but apparently Micah was. That combination of romance and domination probably made most women fall for him hard.
    She would enjoy the evening and pretend for once that she was normal. Tomorrow was soon enough to start working on her new life, away from here, away from Micah.

    Micah pulled the door to Dupree’s open and right into his face. With a few muttered curses, he stepped over the threshold, looking for his wayward business partner. He was at his wits end on why he kept walking into things, dropping things... Hell, he was worried about walking down the street at the moment. It was a wonder he made it to Dupree’s without killing himself. Of course, he knew it had to do with a certain virgin who had been driving him crazy. And that would end. Tonight.
    The door slammed shut behind him. May was manning the hostess stand.
    “Hey, Micah. That looked like it hurt.”
    He could feel his face heating up. “What?”
    She frowned at him. “You didn’t hit your head hard enough for a concussion, did you? I mean, you remember hitting your head, right?”
    He didn’t miss the twinkle in her eye or the humor lacing her tone. He decided ignoring her was the best option.
    “I wasn’t watching where I was going. Is your lesser half around?”
    “Yes. He’s back with Chris.”
    He nodded and headed back.
    “I can get you some ice for the bump if you need it.”
    He didn’t growl at her, but it was a close call. The woman had a mouth on her. He didn’t know how Evan put up with her. Of course, considering who he was hung up on, he had no room to talk.
    By the time he made it back to the office, he had calmed himself down. Still, he felt... odd. It wasn’t something he was used to, not anymore, not since he’d gained control over his life.
    The door was open and he found his two friends laughing.
    “Hey, Micah,” Chris said, a welcoming smile on his face.
    Evan turned with a look of surprise in his eyes. “What the hell are you doing here?”
    “I thought I would chase you down and see if you’d be at the club tonight. I’m taking tonight off.”
    Evan frowned. “So. I told you, we have good managers.”
    “I know that, but it’s Saturday night so I thought it would be good if you were there.”
    He cocked his head to the side. “Ah, so you broke down and asked her out again?”
    “Who?” Chris asked.
    Chris nodded. “They were here a few nights ago.”
    Evan looked at Micah with his eyebrows raised.
    “What the fuck?

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