Dark Lightning

Dark Lightning by Janet Woods

Book: Dark Lightning by Janet Woods Read Free Book Online
Authors: Janet Woods
Tags: fantasy romance
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can’t I come with you?’
    ‘How can you be alone when the place is a haven for the followers of the Grand Alchemist? It can’t be helped, Jynx. There are no females where we are going and I have a lot to learn. You’ll have Wulf, so you won’t be lonely. And you can always talk to Laek if you need to. He enjoys your company.’
     She shook her head, warning him to keep quiet about Laek.
    Hal gave her a questioning look. ‘Laek?’
    ‘He’s a friend.’
    ‘He’s the Prince of Arles,’ Remy added.
    ‘I’ve heard of him, but can’t remember where.’ Hal slanted his head to one side and gazed at her. He still had hold of her wrist, and his palm slid against hers and he captured her fingers in his as he said, ‘Look at me, Jynx.’
    Reluctantly, she looked up at him. ‘We will not be gone for very long, just until the moon starts its new transit.’ For a moment she saw past the surface of his eyes into the depths, and they were a brilliant and beguiling blue. ‘I am your friend and always will be. Don’t send us away with anger in your heart, Jynx. You’ll regret it after we’ve gone.’
    Her ill feeling evaporated as she bowed to his wisdom. ‘I already regret it. I’ll miss you, Hal.’
    ‘Perhaps I’ll come to you in a dream.’ Bringing her hand up to his mouth, he tenderly kissed the palm, then each fingertip. He folded her fingers over the caresses.
    Orish gently coughed, and they sprang apart. ‘Does an old man get a hug too?’
    She hugged him tightly, and then hugged him all over again. ‘Travel safely, Grandfather. Look after Hal and my brother.’
    When the men left her eyes filled with tears, and she felt bereft.

Chapter Nine
    Cynan didn’t know how much time had elapsed. He came out of sleep in a befuddled state and gazed at Helise in disgust. She was sprawled across the bed in a tangle of sheets, snoring. His appetite for her was well and truly slaked and he could see no charm in her now.
    A quick glance through the arched window told him it was late in the day, though there seemed to be few people about in the manor grounds. 
     He wondered if his adviser was working against him. Yegan Colban’s children had turned out to be a disappointment. Helise was no longer fit to wed his son and Jynx and Remy had developed unnatural powers. He grunted as he pulled on his breeches. Sending Emrys after the pair might have been a ploy. Could Emrys kill his own kin when it came down to it? He harbored some doubts about that.
    Damn it, who could he trust apart from Azarine and his own beloved son, Laek? Even his brother, Penn and his two fine sons couldn’t be completely trusted, since they resented Laek’s Karshal blood.
    He threw a jug of cold water over Helise and she came out of sleep spluttering. ‘Get your clothes on,’ he said.
    Fear came into her eyes. ‘Do I no longer please you, Lord?’
    He couldn’t understand how he’d ever considered she could. Striding to the door he surprised the guard in slumber and kicked the stool from under him. When the man sprawled on his back, Cynan said irritably, ‘Get rid of the woman in my quarters.’
    ‘Where shall I take her, Lord?’
    He couldn’t insult Azarine by placing the girl back into her service. Greer Colban could deal with her wayward offspring. ‘She can go back to her mother.’
    ‘Yes, Lord.’
    ‘I’m going to bathe. After that I will visit Lady Azarine. Send someone to inform her, since she’ll want to look her best.’
    ‘But, Lord––’
    ‘Unless you want your tongue removed don’t interrupt. After that I want my brother Penn to attend me. And you can find Yegan and tell him to join me in my quarters.’
    The trooper looked relieved as he scurried off to do Cynan’s bidding.
    A little while later Cynan strode into Azarine’s quarters. Her rooms had an unoccupied air. Yet her closet was filled with garments and the jewels he’d bestowed on her were still in the casket. There was no sign of Azarine or of

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