Dark Lightning

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Book: Dark Lightning by Janet Woods Read Free Book Online
Authors: Janet Woods
Tags: fantasy romance
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her attendants. Where were they all? Dread gathered inside him as he turned on his heel and went back to his quarters.
    He found Penn waiting for him there. His brother wore the diadem of state on his head. Cynan stared pointedly at it until Penn removed it and handed it to him, saying with a shrug, ‘Someone had to take over while you were ... indisposed.’
    Penn shuffled from one foot to the other. ‘It has been several moon cycles since you closeted yourself with Helise in your quarters. It was as though she’d enchanted you. You would see no one and listen to nobody. If I hadn’t taken up the reins of the affairs of state there would have been civil war.’
    ‘Where is Azarine, Penn?’
    A momentary disdain colored his brother’s eyes. ‘Your lady has gone.’
    ‘Gone where?’
    ‘How would I know? I’m given to understand she left the manor on the day you took Helise into your bed. Half the population has followed after her, including some of your best troopers. There’s something afoot and I was about to order a recall of the trainees from the islands to guard the manor. Those who are left are in their final training phase.’
    Cynan’s brain began to tick over. Obviously there was going to be some sort of uprising. For the life of him he couldn’t understand why.
    ‘Let them complete their training so they can wear my insignia with pride. We will send out scouts to find out what’s going on, and they can send back runners.
    ‘There has been a blood moon in the sky, of late. There is talk of magic.’
    ‘Hang the next person who mentions it, that will put paid to such talk.’  
    Yegan Colban arrived and stood before him, head hung down and unable to meet his eyes.
    ‘You’ve bred a nest of vipers, Yegan.’
    ‘I long suspected Jynx and Remy to be unnatural.’
    ‘You should have warned me earlier.’ Rest assured. Emrys will find them, and dispose of them.’
    ‘I don’t want them disposed of ... not until they’ve told me everything they know. However, Helise is a different matter altogether. My lady took her under her wing, and she repaid her with disloyalty. Tell me, Yegan. What was the girl doing in my wife’s service? Was she there to spy on Azarine and report back to you?’
    Yegan flicked a glance towards Penn then hung his head. ‘It was done out of loyalty to you, Lord Cynan. Lady Azarine is, after all, a true-blood Karshal.’
    ‘I’m aware of that fact. What’s more relevant, Helise sought to usurp and alienate my chosen lady from my affection, hoping to elevate her own status in the meantime. I believe she used a potion of enticement. She did not succeed since my will was stronger than the enchantment and I was able to overcome it eventually.’
    ‘Needless to say my Lord. None can match the charm and grace of the Lady Azarine ... and none could question her affection, and her loyalty towards you.’
    Placing his sword blade under Yegan’s chin, Cynan applied enough pressure to nick the skin. Blood dripped. ‘I’m glad you think so Yegan. However, I have reason to question your loyalty, do I not?’
    Yegan began to perspire. ‘No my Lord. Anything I did was due to concern for your safety. As always, my life is yours to command.’
    ‘Of course it is, Yegan. I need to know where the potion was purchased. I also need to know where my lady is in case she’s been abducted. If she’s harmed in any way I’ll hold you and yours personally responsible and you know what the result will be. Now, get out of my sight. Go to Karshal for a while. I’ve heard reports that Servish is looking for a second wife. He may have Helise. She would be a good match for him.’ He withdrew the sword and placed it back in his scabbard.
    ‘Yes, my Lord.’ Yegan tried to exchange a glance with Penn, who studiously avoided it. Yegan left while he still could.
    ‘What is it Penn?’
    ‘I’m given to understand that Azarine left by her own free will. She was in the company of

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