A Little Harmless Lie 4

A Little Harmless Lie 4 by Melissa Schroeder Page A

Book: A Little Harmless Lie 4 by Melissa Schroeder Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melissa Schroeder
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Why is everyone so interested in my love life all the sudden.”
    “Because you haven’t really had one in about six months,” Chris said.
    Evan settled back in his chair. “That’s when he started stalking Dee Sumner.”
    “I’m not stalking her.”
    “Yeah, I know. I got some money in the pool.” Chris glanced at him. “Could you hold off for another week?”
    Evan laughed. “Yeah, everyone at work has money on when you’re going to bed the woman.”
    He frowned as he collapsed in the chair. “Why would they be interested, and just how did they know?” he asked Evan with a suspicious glare.
    Evan held his hands up and laughed. “Don’t look at me.”
    He narrowed his eyes on Chris. Although he hadn’t been around much, he still had a lot of friends at the club. “You have to know they’ve been watching you, watching her. You haven’t been with a regular sub for at least six months. Granted, I’m sure you keep it away from the club— ”
    Evan made a choking sound. Chris looked at him. “What?”
    His business partner’s smile curved evilly as he leaned forward. “I would bet you a thousand bucks our friend here hasn’t had a woman in that long.”
    Chris glanced at him, a smile curving his lips. “Really?”
    Evan nodded. Micah’s face heated as his temper soared.
    “I have no idea why the fuck you two are interested, but I have seen a sub outside of work.”
    Evan glanced at him and then said, “She wasn’t a student?”
    Irritation now crunched down Micah’s spine. So the woman had been a student, someone who wanted to be trained as a Domme. For someone to get the right to be a Dom/Domme at their club, they had to go through training as a sub. They had to understand the psyche.
    “What does that matter?”
    Chris started laughing. “Oh, God, he’s worse than you. You were sleeping with everyone in sight. This one locks down, and lordy, he gets pissy when he doesn’t get some on a regular basis.”
    “Fuck you.”
    “No, thanks,” Chris said. “I have an idea Cynthia would disagree. Plus, you aren’t my type, even if you haven’t had any in six months.”
    “It hasn’t been that long.” Five months and sixteen days.
    “Damn near close, bruddah,” Evan said.
    “I just want to know if you are going to check in tonight.”
    “Sure. I mean, it’s dangerous to let you go without getting some.”
    He said nothing as his friend cackled. He knew he would be doing the same thing to them, and had given Evan a pretty hard time when he was going after May. But damn, neither of them had had to deal with a virgin.
    “What did you just say?” Evan asked.
    Shit . “Nothing.”
    “No, he grumbled something about a virgin,” Chris said.
    Dammit. What the hell was wrong with him?
    Evan hooted with laughter. “You’re telling me the woman is a virgin?”
    “I didn’t say anything and if you want to keep your balls intact, you better make sure that you keep your voice down.”
    “You don’t scare me.”
    “I might not, but that little woman might. She’s small, but she’s tough. I have a feeling she wouldn’t think twice about relieving you of your manhood. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”
    Not wanting to face their speculative study, he slipped out the door. He said nothing as he passed May at her stand. Without looking up, she said, “There’s a door there, be careful.”

    “What the hell was that about?” Chris asked when they were alone.
    Evan shrugged, realizing that Chris was just figuring out what he had understood for a while.
    “He’s been hooked on her for months. At first, they were fighting all the time about work. Then he simmered down to that stalking thing he does.”
    Chris shook his head, his brow furrowing as he frowned. “No, I mean, did you hear the way he talked about her?”
    “Of course.” He had been lusting after Dee for months and now it was finally going to happen. The idea that he was waiting, being patient and not moving on to

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