A Little Harmless Lie 4

A Little Harmless Lie 4 by Melissa Schroeder Page B

Book: A Little Harmless Lie 4 by Melissa Schroeder Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melissa Schroeder
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another sub already in the life told Evan it was serious. “Yeah. He’s stuck.”
    “Stuck?” Chris asked.
    “That man doesn’t have any idea what he’s about to get into, but I have a feeling he’s about to learn a thing or two.”
    “From a virgin?”
    Evan nodded. “A virgin who never flirts with him or tries to get his attention.”
    Chris frowned. “He likes a challenge.”
    “But have you ever heard him say he went without sex?”
    Chris’s eyes widened. “Holy shit.”
    Even chuckled. “Exactly. Our friend is about to have some of his asinine theories about falling in love with a woman tested.”
    Chris practically rubbed his hands together. “This is definitely going to be fun.”

    Chapter Seven

    Dee looked at herself in the mirror and frowned. The dress looked great. She’d bought it over a year ago but this was the first time she’d worn it. It made her feel... odd. She didn’t wear dresses or skirts that often, but for some reason she wanted to dress up tonight. Sadly, this dress was her last choice. She loved it, but found it a little too snug for her liking. The blue soft fabric clung to her hips and it was a bit too low cut for her liking. She glanced at the small pile of clothes on her bed. She was out of options at the moment. This was the end of the line.
    Micah would be here any minute and she was far from ready.
    She turned and looked at the back of the dress... or the back of the halter that was missing. Maybe this was a really bad idea. Okay, the whole date thing was a bad idea. She’d blurted out that she was a virgin to the man, allowed him to talk her into several dates, and basically drive her crazy for the last week. Why he wanted another date, she had no idea. She couldn’t seem to help herself. She wanted to be near him, with him. And for once, she found herself wanting to be a girl.
    She wasn’t a woman who could dress up that often. She worked, that was it. Every now and then, she would go out with Keisha, but that was just for girls’ night out. Her dates had dwindled in the last six months or so, mainly because she was just so damn sick of explaining why she wasn’t in the life, why she wasn’t going to sleep with the guy on the first date. They all thought she was a woman with loose morals because she worked at the club.
    Drawing in a deep breath, she grabbed her lip gloss. A quick brush or two and she replaced the cap just as the doorbell rang. Damn. Her heart slapped against her chest and the breath in her lungs stalled.
    She ordered herself to calm down and went to the door. This was just a dinner, nothing big. They had done it before. It wasn’t as if they were going to go to Rough ’n Ready and get it on.
    Her nipples tightened against the fabric of her dress and her body heated. Crap, the thought of being taken publically by him should not turn her on. But it did. More than any kiss she’d had in the last few years.
    By the time she got to her door, she’d settled herself down. Or at least talked herself off the ledge. Opening the door, she lost her ability to think.
    Micah was always a gorgeous man, and he was one who dressed for his job. Meaning, as the owner, he wore suits most of the time. But nothing compared to what he now wore.
    Dark steel gray fabric fit over his large body as if it had been made for him. Of course, knowing the kind of money he made, there was a good chance it had been. Her father had worn the best of clothes, always tailored to fit. This definitely had the mark of a hand- tailored suit. His hair shimmered down his back. She could imagine it sliding over her skin, the silky strands slipping across her bare breasts, teasing her nipples.
    She squeezed her thighs together as he turned. His gaze slipped down her body and then traveled up to meet her eyes. One side of his mouth curled up and her heart started smacking her chest again.
    His voice deepened over the one little word. God, the man was making her melt and all he was

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