Creeping Shadow (The Rise of Isaac, Book One)

Creeping Shadow (The Rise of Isaac, Book One) by Caroline Peckham

Book: Creeping Shadow (The Rise of Isaac, Book One) by Caroline Peckham Read Free Book Online
Authors: Caroline Peckham
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at both ends through a tunnel. Intermittent, horizontal bars led away from the main track toward the crowd.
    "Why do the tracks glow?" May asked as she gazed at them.
    Laura looked amused as if she were enjoying explaining things. "It's Alevinum: a material that naturally holds electricity for years. It's used for all kinds of things but the tracks use it to power vehicles."
    "Does a train run along these too?" May asked.
    Before Laura could answer, a completely spherical, white object appeared on the track. Two people stepped forward and opened a circular door in the front of it before entering. There were porthole-like windows running around its edge that allowed Oliver a glimpse of the interior.
    It held a circular seating area with a small, round table at its centre. He craned his neck to get a better look but the vehicle glided out of view before he had a chance to see more.
    Several more of the vehicles appeared as the station became increasingly packed with people. The spheres varied in colours and sizes and, whilst some of the interiors looked luxurious, others were plain and basic.
    Oliver turned to see Laura queuing for a panel on the wall close by. When she reached it, she pressed her palm flat to the screen until it read:
    Laura Fox identified - payment confirmed
    "My pod will be along in a moment," Laura said as she returned.
    "Pod? Is that what they're called?" Oliver asked, excited about the prospect of riding in one.
    "Yes, mine isn't the fanciest but it gets me around. Plus, it's cheaper to park a smaller pod," Laura muttered, wringing her hands.
    May moved closer to the row of pods which were diverting off of the main track towards the crowd. "Which one's yours?"
    A small pod, that was slightly more egg-shaped than the others, glided to a halt in front of them and Laura pointed at it.
    "This one. What do you think?” She eyed Oliver and May, biting her lip.
    Her expression reminded Oliver of his mother once more and he found himself studying her features, trying to spot the differences between her and her sister.
    "I love it!" May said and Oliver nodded his agreement, jolted out of his reverie.
    Laura moved forward, pressed her palm to the door and a blue ripple appeared in the shape of her handprint. The print disappeared and a brief, ethereal noise sounded before the door opened.
    Oliver climbed inside after the others, discovering that there was room for four people on a circular, cream sofa around the rim. The walls and floor had a smooth, wood-effect apart from the door which remained white on the inside too.
    "Where would you like to go, Laura?" The image of a young, blonde man popped into existence on the white of the door seemingly projected on an invisible screen embedded within it.
    May jumped visibly and Oliver laughed.
    "Take me home, please. And put on the heating in here would you?" Laura instructed the image.
    "Going home and initiating heating. Enjoy your trip," the man said, grinning a lopsided smile at her before disappearing.
    Laura glanced at Oliver and May. "You can choose different personalities for each pod, even celebrities. This one is a presenter named Truvian Gold."
    May nodded, a glint entering her eye. "He's really hot."
    "I know, right?" Laura knocked shoulders with her and they giggled.
    Oliver shared an uncomfortable look with Ely as the pod took off down the dark tunnel.
    * * *
    The pod whizzed along at break-neck speed, turning sharp corners until it finally stopped in another station. This one had numbers from one through to twenty printed along the walls next to mirrored doors. Above them was a sign that read:
    Chance Street
    "This is us," Laura said brightly, climbing out of the pod onto the platform.
    She shut the door and moved over to another panel on the wall, pressing her palm to it for a moment then the pod glided out of sight in response.
    Ely stretched laboriously. "Can't wait for a cuppa," he said through a yawn.
    Laura walked to the door marked with a black

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