You're Strong Enough

You're Strong Enough by Kassi Pontious

Book: You're Strong Enough by Kassi Pontious Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kassi Pontious
Tags: Religión
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promptings of guilt and shame. His plan will always be to put us on a path of darkness. Therefore, use guilt as a motivator to repent, so you can stay true to your course.
    Forgiving yourself, as well as others, will bring you freedom from darkness. The freedom that comes from forgiveness will bring the power of choice and healing back into your life. This freedom will also bring peace while climbing mountains, no puppet strings attached to our soul, joy from knowing who we really are and love for the One that created us.

    Your Quest for Freedom
    Your first quest for freedom begins with writing down the names of all those you feel have harmed you. After you have completed your list, cross out the ones that you have forgiven completely (no bad feelings toward them). Circle the ones that you’re not sure if you have forgiven. Put a star beside the ones that you know you haven’t forgiven. Then write down how you feel about the ones you haven’t forgiven. Decide today if you want them to continue to cloud your view of your divine destiny and fill your life with darkness. Forgive them and remember why you are here, to overcome all obstacles.
    Your second quest is to write down any harmful secrets that you may be carrying. If you do have any harmful secrets, write down how they are consuming your life. Write down how much more you fear people now, you doubt yourself, you question people’s motives and whether you trust people now. If you are carrying a harmful secret, write down the names of people you feel you can trust and talk to them, get it off your chest and take your power back.
    Your third quest is to talk to your parents. Talk to your parents honestly. If they have done anything to hurt you that you may be holding a grudge for, tell them that you want to forgive them for any wrongs they may have done, because you love them. If they are divorced, then tell them to please not badmouth the other, curse the other in front of you, or try to have you hate them.
    Your last quest is to dig deep inside and see if there is anything you haven’t forgiven yourself for. If there is, then ask yourself why. Do you feel you don’t deserve it, or it’s too bad, or you don’t think you can be forgiven? If there are items you haven’t asked for forgiveness for, do so. Ask God to forgive you. As He does, forgive yourself. Then move on.
    Once you have moved on from unforgiveness toward yourself and others, you will have just created bluer skies on your quest home to our Heavenly Father.
    Forgiveness will set you free.
    Prayer will make your stronger.
    Love will hold you tighter.
    Parents will appreciate your example.

W ould it be easier for you to forgive if you saw justice being dealt with promptly? Maybe. Unfortunately, that’s not how God works. In the Preexistence, we fought for free agency, the freedom to choose for ourselves whether to make good choices or bad choices. Some will abuse that power. Therefore, because of free agency, this question will always remain the same: Will man do what is right and uplift others or will he do what is wrong and hurt others?
    In reality, our free agency is the only thing that we have power over. We can either help others and ourselves when we follow God’s plan and do what is right, or we can destroy others and ourselves when we follow Satan’s designs and do what is wrong. With this in mind, if God dealt quickly and swiftly with those who did wrong, wouldn’t that scare them into doing what is right?
    God uses the Spirit of Christ to guide us by gently reminding us what is right and what is wrong. For instance, our Heavenly Father has placed road signs on our path home. But, he cannot force us to follow them. Similarly, God does not allow Satan to force us to be evil. That has to be our choice. But Satan can tempt us to do his will through making poor choices. Everyone has the choice to which path they will choose, and God has two plans that deal with those who choose to abuse their

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