The Means

The Means by Douglas Brunt

Book: The Means by Douglas Brunt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Douglas Brunt
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Samantha notices he doesn’t miss anything.
    Connor can see Samantha is smart and looking for a break. “Samantha, here’s what I can tell you. I don’t think Meadow Jones did this. That’s assuming it’s a murder and not self-inflicted. Hugh Brooks did die due to blood loss from knife wounds to the neck, not tooth wounds. Cameras have Meadow leaving through the hotel lobby at five a.m. No blood on her anywhere. She confirms this. She says Hugh was asleep and fine at the time she left. She was going to meet friends at a late-night club who were still partying and her friends confirm this. The coroner’s estimated range of the time of death can’t rule out that Hugh was still alive when Meadow left him.”
    â€œIs there any evidence of a forced entry or someone else in the room?”
    â€œThey were partying in the cabana all night. Probably a dozen friends plus a dozen strangers who just crashed the party. Probably some damage to the room too. Forensics isn’t in yet, but it’s going to be a mess.”
    â€œAnd the knife?”
    â€œMissing. The wounds line up with what could be a hotel steak knife that the hotel offers with a few of their entrees and several of these were ordered the night of the incident and not bussed until after the body was found.”
    â€œNo cameras on the cabana?”
    â€œThere are some outdoor cameras of the pool area but none that can conclusively rule out a third party entering the cabana.”
    â€œWhat makes you think she didn’t do it? The evidence doesn’t rule her out.”
    Connor leans forward. “This is confidential.” He pauses for effect. “She passed a poly.”
    â€œLast night. It’s something I encourage new clients to do when I take them on.”
    â€œWho administered the test?”
    â€œIt’s through my organization. It’s legit.”
    â€œJesus. This story is getting crazier all the time.” She takes the last sip of her drink. “Will you come on for an interview? Take us through what you know?”
    He leans back. He’s happy. He’s very good at this. “Not now, I can’t. Maybe at some point. I’ll let you use what you have now, but it’s not for attribution. If I see I can trust you, we’ll see about more.”
    â€œLike what? I’d like to talk to Meadow.”
    â€œWe’ll see.”
    â€œI’ll be fair.”
    â€œLook, I need to give her the right advice, but my feeling is that she should speak out at least one time. It would be an exclusive onetime sit down.”
    â€œI want it. Obviously. Connor, I’m here, I’m scrapping for the story. I’m getting the facts before anyone, I’m a lawyer, I know this stuff, I’ll be fair.”
    â€œEasy, easy. Listen, use what you have for now. A source close to the case. For now. And just like you said, be fair. You be fair, then I’ll be fair to you.”
    She needs to put together her report and call David Mueller and Ken Harper. They exchange mobile numbers and agree to talk the next day.
    Two hours later the news division gives her the green light. They send a camera crew over from their local affiliate and bong into the ten p.m. programming on UBS-24 with breaking news from Samantha Davis, live outside the Delano.
    â€œI’m standing outside the Delano Hotel on a beautiful, seventy-­degree evening in Miami Beach and what is now the scene of a possible murder investigation. This hotel was restored in the nineties to its original ninteen-thirties art deco feel and has since been one of the iconic hangout spots in South Beach. With the discovery of the dead body of Hugh Brooks two days ago in one of the luxurious poolside cabanas, the hotel has become more of a tourist attraction than ever. At twenty-one years old, Brooks was already a Hollywood legend and bankable star, earning twenty-two million dollars for his last

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