No Such Thing As True Love

No Such Thing As True Love by A.M. Anderson

Book: No Such Thing As True Love by A.M. Anderson Read Free Book Online
Authors: A.M. Anderson
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retorted. He took another sip of his drink and motioned for her to sit down. Instead, she waited for him to set his glass on the table, then snatched his arm. She pulled him from his seat. Markus was in a good mood, and really didn’t want to disappoint her, but he knew how terribly he danced. As his bad luck would grant him, the DJ slowed things down a bit when a few more couples walked onto the floor. Markus uncomfortably shuffled back and forth. He held his hands on Cassandra’s hips like he probably did at every high school dance he attended, if he had attended any. Cassandra tried to get him to sway, she tried to instruct him. At the end, she gave up and just leaned her head on Markus’ chest as they shuffled back and forth.
                Maritess had to order another drink for herself to keep from falling off her chair from laughing. Cassandra was obviously annoyed, Markus was obviously annoyed, and they were doing it to themselves . Maritess just couldn’t contain the amusement she felt. When the song was over, neither Markus nor Cassandra wanted to wait for another tune to start. They both returned to the table and plopped down.
                “Maritess,” Cassandra pleaded, “Please, please, pretty please, come dance with me.” Maritess replied that she would not. Cassandra looked again at Markus, but shook her head instead of begging his participation. Then, she summoned herself and said, “Fine. I’m going to go dance, because I don’t need anyone to dance with. So, there.” Markus and Maritess watched Cassandra float back onto the dance floor. The DJ’s music was more fast-paced than before. Cassandra effortlessly moved her body. It was as if she was a leaf caught in a stream. She was right, though, she didn’t need anyone to dance with her.
                “She used to do this for hours in her room when she was a kid. I would come over and hear her feet on the floor above the living room. Her brother hated it, but I always thought it was awesome,” Maritess said to Markus. She looked at him when she took another sip of her drink. “I don’t dance. Cassie’s the only one who ever gets me to dance, and I only dance one stupid dance. I’d rather run, or do something productive where I don’t look totally absurd,” she said before adding, “You know what that’s like, right, Shuffle-feet?” Markus flicked a spray at her from his straw. They laughed as they watched Cassandra wear herself out on the dance floor.

                When the weekend was over, they all returned to work refreshed and happy that only another week remained until Christmas. Cassandra had talked Maritess into throwing a huge party at her gym, and it was going to be a great success. Markus, Maritess and Cassandra each invited their families so that no one would have to spend the holiday apart. It was the best Christmas party that Maritess had ever experienced.
                During the festivities, Markus had hit it off really well with Maritess’ brother, who was also a lawyer. It had given time for the girls to reunite their families together. Their parents had a great time reminiscing, and telling embarrassing stories of how they grew up. Of course, their mothers got tearful as they regarded the beautiful women Maritess and Cassandra had become. Markus couldn’t help but see the same qualities, and marveled at them as well.
                Christmas came and flew by with a rush towards the New Year. Maritess was busy getting ready for more traffic, and Cassandra was swamped as she tried to get everything tied together in the last days of the year. Court was out of session, so Markus was free for the most part. He spent a lot of time at the gym while Cassandra was working at her apartment. He stopped by Maritess’ office one day. She was glad to see him and invited him to have a seat.
                “So,” he started, “Cassandra is

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