Twist of Fate
made a pathetic attempt of hiding the fact that he must have let Ben know I was there with Will. And, I couldn't help wonder why he looked upset when I mentioned that I had to go.  
    "Yeah," Tommy said. He stood up, handed Ben his coffee. "I invited Paige to the beach party, but she's going dancing instead."
    Ben looked back to me. "C'mon, P? It's a beach theme. The pledges cover the floor in sand, everyone wears their bathing suits. It's awesome."
    "I'm sure it's fun, but I'd rather go dancing with Will. Sorry, boys. Maybe next time." With that I gathered my bag from the floor, and dragged myself away from them. Part of me desperately wanted to go to the frat party, but I could only imagine how Ben would be. Half-naked, or who knows, maybe naked girls doing shots, gyrating on the poles down there, or worse, gyrating on him. It was a much safer bet to go dancing with Will. At least that's what I kept telling myself.
    Three days went by and I hadn't seen either one of them. It was not until Thursday morning that I received a text from Ben telling me he hoped I would change my mind and head to the party after all. After two classes, and a late lunch I was finally getting ready for my date. I didn't understand why I was so anxious. You'd think I'd never been on a date before. After showering, drying and flat ironing my hair, I dabbled on a little gloss and mascara. I had a new dress to go with my new boots for dancing. My mom was going to kill me when she got that bill. Ellie took me shopping with her and insisted that I buy them. I studied myself in the mirror for a few more minutes, when Ellie walked in. "Holy shit! Will is gonna freak when he sees you. You look hawt, girl."
    I tilted my head from side to side, looking down to my feet. "You think? I feel kind of weird in these boots."
    "I promise you that you do not look weird. He's going to cream his pants."
    I laughed. "Thanks for he visual."  
    Ten minutes later, my phone buzzed. Will was waiting downstairs for me. Whatever happened to male chivalry and coming to the door? I looked at Ellie who was already on her computer. "Maybe I should just go to the frat party?"
    She walked around her desk, pushing me by my backside toward to door. "I'm going to the party. I'll text you if anything really crazy happens. Now go."
    Before I over thought it, I made myself walk slowly down the steps toward Will. He was sitting in his car, and from the looks of it talking on his cell. I tapped on the window to get his attention. He stopped, said something, then hung up. He waved me inside, so I creaked open the door, and slid in. "Wow! You look great, Paige." He leaned over the console to kiss me, so I let him. It felt nice, but his lips were cold, not warm and sweet like Ben's. As his lips pressed harder to mine, his hand began to creep up my exposed thigh, so I slowly pushed it back down. "I thought we were getting something to eat?" "I could eat you up right now," He said in a sultry voice.  
    Eww, gross he did not just say that? Talk about a turn off. What happened to sweet, take it slow Will? Now I was really rethinking this date. I should have just played it safe and went to the party. Why did I have to say no? Maybe I could still go? As all the questions swirled around, I didn't even realize we pulled away from the curb and were heading into town, before I could object. He stopped at this little Mexican restaurant I'd been to once. How original? Although, my mouth instantly watered for a churro.
    After a painful hour of hearing all about Will and only Will, we headed to the same honky tonk club that Ben took me to. He ordered a shot and a beer for himself, but handed me some girly drink. I was kind of relieved he didn't expect me to do shots with him, but disappointed that I was stuck without a beer. I sipped on my vodka cranberry until it was gone, letting it take the edge off. He spun me over to the dance floor once I took my last sip. We moved slowly to the beat of the music, but

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