Twist of Fate
then a line dance came on that I didn't know how to do. I felt a little tense, not really in the mood to learn it either.   I just wanted out of there. He eyed me up for a few seconds, and probably figured out I was bored. "Wait here. I'll be right back."
    I watched as he headed to the bar, and ordered another round as I pressed up against the railing. He held the drinks slightly over his head to weave through the crowd. "Here, you need to loosen up, let your hair down and have fun." He handed me the shot glass, I looked all around, then slammed it quickly, hopeful the shot would help do the trick. Another shot later, his hand reached down to pull me on the dance floor. I was still very sober, but definitely felt looser. A slow Kenny Chesney song played, and Will swung me perfectly around the floor, then back into his arms. I was caught up in the music, and dancing when the feel of his hand roamed where they shouldn't be, and certainly not on the dance floor. "Whoa! Will."
    He pecked me quickly on the lips. "Sorry, babe. I got carried away. You look so good tonight." I pushed off of him disgusted at his term of endearment. How the hell was I his babe already?
    "You know what? Let me get you another shot. I'll be right back."
    "No. It's okay," I yelled out, but he was already gone. In the ten minutes it took for him to come back, I'd thought of a hundred excuses to get the hell out of there.
    He held out his hand, his finger grazing mine as I wrapped my fingers around the shot. "Here, you go. Bottoms up."
    I grimaced, but downed the shot, and when I did he smiled this big old toothy grin. "Let's get out of here. We can go back to my place. Do our own little dance there. What do you say?"
    That's the last thing I wanted to do. God, I thought I could have liked this one, but not after tonight. I wished my damn phone would ring. I mean where the hell were those two when you really need protecting? Or an escape goat? "Oh, umm...I can't. I promised my cousin I'd stop by their party tonight."  
    He eyed me for a second, then shrugged. "I'll go with you."
    What? No!  
    "Oh, that's the thing. You can't. You have to be in the frat to get inside."
    He tugged at my waist, pulling me super close, nibbling on my ear. "You're not in the frat."
    "I'm a girl. Any girl gets into any party. So, if you could just drop me at the dorms so I can change?"
    He looked around for a minute, then rocked back on his heels. "Sure. Let's go."  
    I could tell he was pissed that tonight wasn't going as he planned. I wasn't sure if he was mad about not getting any action, or about how much money he put out on feeding me drinks. I was pretty sure it was the money since that's all he complained about the whole ride back.  
    Just as we arrived back to my dorm, I opened my handbag. I pulled out my last twenty dollars that I allowed myself for this week, and handed it to him. "Here. It's all I have." I didn't really expect him to take it, but then again, I didn't expect him to turn out to be such a pig.
    He looked down at the money, grabbing it. "Yeah, thanks." And, right there I knew he wouldn't be calling me again, and if he did, I most certainly wouldn't answer.
    Once inside, I stripped off the boots, the dress, and took a long hot shower to get the smell of his cheap cologne off of me. By the time I got out, I flipped open my phone to text Ellie. It was only been eleven, the party should be in full swing. Ellie never texted me back over the course of the next hour while I contemplated on going or not. I could almost hear Tommy and Ben's snickering from here about my date being a total loss. Screw it! I rummaged through my drawer, grabbed a suit, and a little summer dress from the closet and got ready. My hair was almost totally dry, but I braided it anyway. I smacked a little pink lipgloss on, then started out the door.  
    I heard the music blasting before I saw the house. Blow up palms trees lined the walkway, white lights twinkled across the banister. I

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