Twist of Fate
grinned as I started to make my way in when I heard a few guys yelling to me. I kind of recognized them from the other parties, but kept moving when they started asking me what it was I hid under all my dresses.  
    Once inside, it was hot, sweaty smelling, and very crowded. Guys were in board shorts, pledges manning the kegs were in banana hammocks, which got several laughs out of me. There must had been a hundred, or more barely dressed girls in bathing suits. Some, were even topless. I thought about turning around, going back home when I spotted Ellie, waving her skinny little arms in the air for me. Dear God! Not her too.
    "Ellie? Ellie?" I yelled over the music. She sashayed over to me with her hands up in the air to the beat of the music, shaking her ass the entire way, before giving me a big naked chest hug. One that I was not prepared for.  
    I looked over her shoulder. "Where the hell is your top?"
    "I don't know. Someone untied it an hour ago. I can't find it."
    "You realize guys are staring at you, right?"
    "I don't give a shit. It's not like they haven't seen boobs before." Ellie grabbed my hand, dragging me downstairs. I wanted to focus on something else, but all I could see were her boobs literally bouncing all the way down, with me in tow. I spotted the one thing I wanted to avoid instantly. Ben was in the corner wearing green and white board shorts, and a very tan, very naked girl was wrapped around him, dancing like he was her own personal stripper pole. At least from the bottom down she was dressed. I felt like throwing up. What a skank. I felt slightly guilty thinking this since my roommate was obviosuly not any better. "Ellie go find a top, any top."
    "Look who's in the house?" Tommy yelled so loud that several people stopped to look at me. Ben didn't move an inch. He never heard him, and if he did, he chose to ignore it. I worked my way over to Tommy keeping my head down, until I got to him. "Hey, this is some party."
    "What happened to your date?" Tommy teased.
    I grabbed the cup out of his hand, tipped it slightly. "It sucked ass."  
    "That's not beer, P," he warned me as I slammed a large gulp. I might as well not fight it. Maybe if I admitted I was wrong about Will, he wouldn't tease me. I chugged the rest down in one huge gulp.  
    "Damn! I didn't know you could drink like that?"
    I smiled widely.   I wanted to let lose tonight. I wanted to not give a shit about anything, but being a normal girl with normal college needs. "Please! They used to call me Hoser in Jersey. Bring on the funnels, boys."
    His mouth opened, shocked. Then he grinned. "I'm calling your bluff."
    "Just show me the way." He laughed out loud, practically pulling me over to the keg. Tommy placed both hands around his mouth, then hollered out. "Benny, get your ass off that girl and get over here. Our little P here is gonna do us proud."  
    I tried to shrink into the crowd, but a few guys were now chanting my name. Ben raced over, stopping dead in his tracks when he saw me. He shook his head several times. "Nice dress. I thought we told you this is a beach party?"
    I looked over briefly to the one pledge holding the funnel, another one next to him filling it up. "Tell me when to stop." He told Tommy.
    Tommy nodded for him to ease up. A few guys yelled out that I was going to puke, so stand back. To be honest, I was a little worried myself since I started drinking hours ago. Still, most of the shots from the honky tonk wore off while I debated coming here.
    I scanned the pledge quickly, turned my back to him, tilting my neck forward, then twisted around slightly to peek over my shoulder. "Could you get that for me?" I turned back around, and stared straight into Ben's eyes. I was tired of hearing about my dresses, and what was underneath them.   He seemed amused, but nervous since he was now chomping down on his nail, but for some reason I was feeling brave tonight. He always seemed to bring this side of me out. I wan't sure what

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