The Beautiful Anthology

The Beautiful Anthology by Unknown

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Authors: Unknown
Tags: General Fiction
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Aggressive Woman that the kiss didn’t mean anything; she was only being polite. She said the Ft. Lauderdale Fling was ugly and the Aggressive Woman could have him, although of course he didn’t want her. The Aggressive Woman said, Your beak-nosed Boyfriend is ugly, too! The Beautiful Woman said, Well, I don’t see anybody sending you roses, so you really have no right to judge.
    The Intelligent Woman thought all the men in question were so undesirable it was literally amazing, ut she didn’t open her mouth because not only was she receiving no roses, she didn’t even have a Fling to lose to another woman to begin with. So she kept quiet and flicked ants off the bed in their cheap room.
    The Beautiful Woman daydreams about a man who looks deep into her eyes and says her name tenderly while making love. She likes kisses that are not too wet and sloppy. Whenever a man tells her she is pretty, she melts.
    The Intelligent Woman has recurrent nightmares of damp, flabby sex with her mother.
    Both of the Husbands, asleep and awake, dream about head.
    On the cruise, which lasts for five nights, both Couples make love exactly twice, on the same days, at the same times. These are the only times they are not all together.
    Afterward, the women tell each other about it in the bathroom and marvel at the coincidence.
    Whenever her mouth is not otherwise engaged, the Macho Man likes the Beautiful Woman to talk dirty to him and tell him her fantasies. Though the Macho Man may not think she is smart, she is smart enough to know that he doesn’t want to hear: You look into my eyes and tell me how pretty I am and how special and how much you love me and only me and would die without me in your arms. So she says other things, but often he tells her she is repetitive and unimaginative and unconvincing.
    And if you think that only fuels the fire of her actual fantasy and makes her want to run like hell but instead she goes into the bathroom to shit with bowel-churning anxiety because she knows she never will, well. You would be right.
    Both women have TMJ and dentists who pretend not to understand why their jaws never improve. And that is enough of that.
    On the beach in Rhodes, the first beach they’ve been on, about two-thirds of the women actually have on bikini tops, or even onepiece suits. The Intelligent Woman becomes flummoxed. Life is always exceedingly more difficult when choice is involved.
    That Fat Neighborhood Girl who was once raped by the Gang Boys (who are now in prison, junkies, piddly runners for the mob, or else ordinary Family Men living in the Old Neighborhood or cheap Chicago suburbs) is now a Fat Counselor. After the rape, during which she was also beaten with a coat hanger and thrown down a flight of stairs, many ladies in the neighborhood came forward to offer alibis for the Gang Rapists. One of the Rapists was the Fat Neighborhood Girl’s Boyfriend, and one was a thirty-two-year-old small-time Mafioso who was president of the local school board. The Fat Neighborhood Girl and her Single Mother moved out of the Old Neighborhood down to the South Side, where other Italian people lived but where nobody knew them enough to know they were both Sluts. After they were gone, the Fat Neighborhood Ladies said, She’s always been a whore, that mother, and now the daughter is, too, see what you get?
    On the South Side, the Fat Neighborhood Girl did not have any more Boyfriends and developed a fascination with The Omen movies and had satisfying dreams of being seduced by Satan, while her mother fucked a string of men in the other bedroom. She also kept in sporadic touch with the Intelligent Woman, who later introduced her to her future husband: a Heavyset Man who is also an Intelligent Man, though less intelligent than the Intelligent Woman’s Intelligent Man and, while also an Academic, less successful, too.
    If this were the Fat Counselor’s story, the Intelligent Woman would be called the Beautiful

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