Talk a Good Game
refill my glass, let me run to the
bathroom real quick.”
    He winked at me. “As soon as you
get back, I ’ m ready to go upstairs and run a
bath for two.”
    I jumped up from the floor and
headed through the kitchen to the half bath. I was so excited I
almost peed on myself. Life with Kaleb was so good and he was good
to me. I washed my hands and was heading back through the kitchen
when I noticed the horse ’s water bowl was empty.
I stopped, rolled my eyes and reached down for it. He was lying on
the floor near the back stairs and the second he saw me carry his
bowl over to the sink his tail started wagging. I may not care for
big dogs but one thing I’d never do is mistreat an animal. I put
the bowl back onto floor and he immediately rushed over and started
slurping, sending water all over my bare feet.
    I jumped back. “Stupid dog,” I
mumbled under my breath then hurried back to the family room. When
I spotted Kaleb holding my phone in his hand I came to a screeching
    “ Why is dude still calling
    “ What?” I was trying to stall.
Damn, talk about bad timing!
    “ Don’t play
dumb. Your phone rang twice while you were in the bathroom so I
looked down and saw that dude ’s name flash across your
    “ How did you know who was calling
if my phone was in my purse?”
    “ It wasn’t in your purse. It must
have been in your pocket because you left it on the
    I frowned. I was almost certain my phone had been in
my purse.
    “ Answer the question! I thought it
was over between you and Q?” He was definitely pissed
    I shrugged. “It is.”
    “ Then why the hell is he calling
    I shrugged and stepped into the
room. “He ’s just having a hard time
accepting that it ’s over. ”
    Kaleb paused, met my eyes then
handed back my phone. “I can’t blame him. I would hate to lose you
myself. But you need to handle that.”
    “ What ’s there to
    “ Oh, I get it!
You ’ re trying to keep him around so
you can have a spare.”
    “ A
spare ? Are you serious?” I
    “ Yes, a spare.”
He held up his hand. “Look I already told you I ’ m not
gonna share my woman with anyone.”
    I was quite certain he was getting
tired of this and if the roles were reversed I guess I would be
too. “Okay, I’ll handle it.” Oh well, so much for a romantic
    “ You need to
handle it now! I ’ m trying to make you my wife and
you ’ re still hanging on to your
    His words went straight to my
head. “Make me your wife?”
    That smirk of his suddenly turned
into a piercing smile. “You heard me. I want to marry you and
share all this
with you.” He emphasized with a sweep of his hand. “But like I said
from the word go, I ’ m not into games. You want a good
man then you got one standing right here. But I don’t have time for
window shopping. Claim it and let ’s build a life
    Kaleb ’s words
were everything I had wanted to hear and more. “Yes, baby! I want
that too,” I said and grinned wickedly. I practically leaped into
his arms and wrapped my legs around his waist.
    My future was definitely looking up.

    “ Master Sergeant. ”
    I felt someone kick my boot under the table and my
eyes popped open to find Timmy staring at me.
    “ Wake up,” he mouthed with this
amused look on his face. I grinned then shifted on the
    We had been in a training class
for the last two days, learning how to properly use the new defense
personnel database. It was an interesting class. I was just tired
as hell. Last night Timmy and I went down to the bar in our hotel
and sat up drinking until we had reached our limit. I went back to
my room, crashed, and slept through my alarm. Timmy and I had been
carpooling since Monday. If he hadn’t called my cellphone I
probably would still be laid across the bed passed out.
    I sat up straight and took a drink of the diet Coke
that was now lukewarm but

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