In the Dead of Night

In the Dead of Night by Aiden James

Book: In the Dead of Night by Aiden James Read Free Book Online
Authors: Aiden James
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pictures to show us, from our visit to Johnny’s place last night.”
    Shit. I forgot all about her and the girls going back to the scene of the original crime. Tom must’ve tagged along, too.
    “How’d that go?” I asked, allowing my tone to brighten. Sound really interested, I told myself, damn it. “I meant to ask about it this morning at breakfast.”
    “You forgot all about it, hon,” she replied, more gently than she could’ve done.
    Yes, I should’ve mentioned it. But, no, I didn’t completely forget about it.... Okay, maybe it slipped my mind after the asshole driving the van chased me home. Either way, it seemed pointless skirting around half-truths when dealing with my psychic better half. Living with someone like her can be tougher than the fantasy some guys might have. I love her dearly, so I’ve learned to adjust. Obviously, learning continues.
    “We couldn’t get as close to the house as I would’ve liked, since the police tape is there. But we picked up a few things on video and audio,” she continued, her tone steadily brightening. “Tom already called me with an update—some of the still shots have unusual stuff going on, too.”
    “And he’s bringing the pics to show us tonight?”
    My tone also perked up. I was immediately intrigued to see the images captured from last night. Most investigations turn up nothing, even if everything feels creepy as hell. We often get empty shots and blank recordings from a night out ‘spook chasing’. The best pictures and audio evidence come when you least expect it. I guess ghosts are pranksters too.
    “Yes, he promised,” she said. “Hopefully, we’ll also get something tonight…something that has nothing to do with what’s recently happened.”
    “I hope so, babe.”
    I‘m sure I sounded sincere this time, and no effort to do so. My heart ached for her pain. Wish I could just suck it out of her, like some venomous poison. Time can be a real bitch when you’d like things to not take so long. But I know true healing requires time, sometimes lots of it.
    Ms. Knowles took her seat next to mine, and Dennis motioned that she was ready to go over her most recent call recordings.
    I told Fiona, reluctantly, that I had to go. At least she knows I’m totally jazzed about our evening plans. Just a few hours until I’ll meet her at the Franklin Chophouse for dinner with the gang, I assured her I’d be there by five-thirty, Friday night traffic willing.
    As I prepared to sit down at my desk, Shakarra offered a wink and a seductive smile.
    Damn I forgot my shades, and the flirtatious advances for the day were in full swing. I almost never perform a one on one session without em’. Left the suckers back in the conference room, I bet. Damned Mel Gibson blue eyes... such sapphire pools of illicit temptation. Forced to ignore subtle comments and not so subtle dreamy-eyed stares, five o’clock couldn’t get there fast enough.
    Chapter Ten
    “I thought we’d get to see you all dressed up!”
    Justin sounded disappointed, but his impish smile said otherwise.
    “I brought a change of clothes in my duffle,” I told him, moving over to the long table where everyone was seated. Our regular meeting place at the Franklin Chophouse. Great food and quiet ambience. “Sorry, dude, but I wore my clown outfit for as long as I could stand. Wish I could’ve split right after the circus left town.”
    “Jimmy looks just fine dressed the way he is!” gushed Jackie, who looked over at Fiona. My wife motioned for me to sit beside her, next to Justin, who commanded the table’s head spot.
    Fine indeed. My chosen apparel tonight: faded Wranglers and a tight black T-shirt, and my hair set free, bouncing off my shoulders as I stepped through the room. My boot heels clicking along the wooden floor, I fancied myself for a moment as a modern-day cowboy, or better yet, a long-lost member of Metallica.
    “Well, shit-t-t-t ….I guess we ain’t gonna

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