Talk a Good Game
last Friday. You were laughing, joking and so relaxed.
I’d like to see more of that side of you.
    J: I told you I am a clown. I enjoyed u also.
    I sat there on the toilet, sighing. This was like
one of those romance novels or something. Jeremy was sweet and
respectable and I kept wondering how in the world was this amazing
man single?
    * * *
    “ What the hell is he waiting for?”
Timmy screamed.
    We were in my hotel room watching the Lakers play
Portland, and Kobe Bryant was looking sad out on the court.
    “ I don’t know
what ’s wrong with them?” All I could
do was shake my head. I was a diehard basketball fan and the
Laker s used to be my team before I fell
in love with Kevin Durant. “ Kobe ain’t been the same
since Shaq left.”
    Timmy looked at me with that
beautiful grin of his. “You ’ re something
    I was sitting beside him on the bed with a bowl of
popcorn between us. It was nice being here with him again. As soon
as I first found out I was attending the training class I was
wondering if Timmy was going. And then, when I saw the list of
people planning to attend I had gotten excited and started thinking
about the way things used to be and what if we could hook up while
we were here. But like I said, that was before I met Jeremy.
    Speaking of him,
I ’ d been ignoring his calls all
evening. If fact, I had to turn off my ringer.
    “ I’ve been thinking about applying
for a position at Whiteman AFB.”
    “ Really?” That was less than two
hours away from Columbia.
    “ Yeah, the superintendent is
    I snapped my fingers. “I think I
heard something about that.”
    “ I was thinking about applying. I
would be closer to my dad.” His father lived in Des Moines, Iowa.
“And this sexy woman sitting beside me.”
    I was grinning like a damn fool when he leaned over
and pressed his lips against mine.
    “ So tell me
what ’s going through your head. What
do you think about all this?”
    I ’ m thinking weeks
ago I would have been all for it. “ Well …” I didn’t
know where to begin. “ Look … I’ve gotta be
honest.” I can’t believe
I ’ m doing this . “I ’ m sorta seeing
    “ And what does that mean for
    I have this fine man sitting
beside me, single, with no kids, who ’s willing to
relocate so he can be closer to me so we can finally have a
relationship and yet my dumb ass was hesitating. I can’t explain it
but I guess it ’s something about what
coulda-shoulda been and trying to rekindle a flame that had burned
out years ago. I don’t know. When I wanted him he wasn’t available
but now that he ’s ready, well, just like a
brotha, they expect you to drop everything and be on board. I just
wasn’t with that.
    Images of a life with Jeremy had
been dancing in my head. “I ’ m seeing someone I
really like. I don’t know where it ’s headed but
I ’ m interested in finding out.
I ’ m not saying you and I don’t have
a chance. I ’ m just saying someone has jumped
ahead of you in line.”
    His eyes started to twinkle and
there was that smirk on those pretty lips of his. “Well since
he ’s not here and I am, then I guess I need to give
you a reason to put me ahead of the rest.”
    Timmy started kissing me and I rolled onto my back
and allowed him to draw me close in his arms. The kiss was nice and
when his tongue slipped into my mouth, I was all about meeting his
strokes, yet the entire time I caught myself thinking about what
was waiting for me at home.

    I had just finished checking on how dinner was going
when I stepped out of the kitchen and spotted Kaleb standing up
front looking scrumptious in gray slack, a white dress shirt and
Ferragamo loafers. Trust me, I know my designers. The second Kaleb
spotted me he grinned. I sauntered over to him and watched as his
eyes took in everything from the blue Manolos on my feet to the
black wrap dress that tied at my small waist.

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