Storm Clouds Rolling In

Storm Clouds Rolling In by Ginny Dye, Virginia Gaffney

Book: Storm Clouds Rolling In by Ginny Dye, Virginia Gaffney Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ginny Dye, Virginia Gaffney
Tags: Historical
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wait until the last couple of tilts when the field was narrowed to a handful of determined, talented young men who were intent on winning all.
    Carrie edged closer to the finish line where she would be sure to have a good view of the list. She intended to watch the entire competition. She wanted to know how Granite was handling the course and she was curious about the competition. She had always enjoyed the tournament, but never before had her heart been so engaged.
    Robert was number ten in the initial field of thirty. Carrie watched carefully as the first nine knights went through the course. Only four of them were able to collect all three rings. Robert was talking quietly to Granite. The well-muscled Thoroughbred knew something was coming. He seemed to be watching the tournament just as closely as his rider. Granite needed to be ready but loose when his time came. Carrie had seen the result of horses strung too tightly.
    “The Knight of Borden .”
    Robert moved forward as his name was called. Carrie tensed as he gripped Granite’s reins and leaned forward slightly. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the flag flash down. They were off! Granite seemed to float across the ground as he thundered toward the first ring. Robert eyed the circular prize carefully and steadied his arm. The first ring was his! The second and the third both followed quickly.
    Carrie clapped enthusiastically as Robert brought Granite down to a trot and circled around to the judges’ stand. He would be in the second tilt, and he had ridden Granite beautifully. They seemed to fit each other perfectly. Carrie’s belief that the two could win the entire tournament skyrocketed. She watched, smiling, as Robert rode over to her.
    “This is quite a horse you have here!” His eyes snapped with excitement, making him even more handsome.
    “And you are quite a rider, Knight Borden!” Carrie’s excitement had chased away any reticence, and she smiled up at him radiantly. Suddenly she realized he was staring at her with open admiration. Discomfited, she flushed and looked down.
    “Thank you for your vote of confidence,” Robert replied gravely. He waved casually and rode off to join the rest of the knights who had won the right to ride in the second tilt.
    “Ladies and gentlemen, we have fifteen young knights who will compete in the second tilt. Remember, the rings have been reduced in size from two inches to an inch and a half.”
    Robert and Granite again claimed three rings , as did eight other riders.
    “Ladies and gentlemen, nine young knights will compete in the third tilt for the one-inch rings.”
    Carrie knew Robert’s main competition was Nathan Blackwell. Nathan’s mare Comet was a veteran of the tournaments, as was Nathan, who hadn’t been defeated in ten years. Carrie allowed herself a small smile at the thought of dethroning the young knight. She had nothing against him personally. In fact, she had always liked Louisa’s friendly brother. She found Nathan to be quite different from his sister—direct and to the point.
    Once again Robert and Granite were off. Again they captured all three rings, narrowing the field to only five young knights.
    Carrie, excitement bursting in her veins, gave him a brilliant smile as he rode back to join the other four knights for the fourth tilt. The next tilt, with rings only three quarters of an inch in diameter, would require all of his concentration.
    The first two knights thundered down the tilt. The first succeeded in capturing two rings but was disqualified because his time had been greater than seven seconds. The second had captured only one. Number three, the Knight of Bradenton, had failed to capture even one. Nathan Blackwell was next. Nathan sat astride his horse calmly, awaiting his turn. The Knight of Blackwell knew he was good.
    The flag dropped and Nathan released Comet into a smooth gallop. He missed the first! Carrie leaned forward to watch. Maintaining his composure, Nathan

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