Storm Clouds Rolling In

Storm Clouds Rolling In by Ginny Dye, Virginia Gaffney Page B

Book: Storm Clouds Rolling In by Ginny Dye, Virginia Gaffney Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ginny Dye, Virginia Gaffney
Tags: Historical
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charged once more down the course. Robert was riding beautifully. Carrie knew how difficult the final tilt was. A half-inch ring was already a tiny thing, but when it became something you were trying to snag from a charging animal, it seemed to be almost not there.
    Carrie stifled a groan when Robert just missed the first ring. Steadying himself once more, he zeroed in on the second. He was just feet from the ring when it happened.
    A sudden puff of wind caught a handkerchief being held lightly on the sidelines and blew it directly in front of Granite. Startled by the flying square of white, Granite broke stride and stumbled sideways into the post. The agile Thoroughbred managed to regain his footing, but Robert, leaning forward in the saddle to spear the ring, had no chance to recover his balance. The ground rose hard to meet him.
    A hush fell over the crowd as Granite thundered on to the end of the tilt , and then slowed and looked around in surprise at the absence of his rider.
    “Robert!” Carrie’s voice was the first to break the shocked silence. She tore away from the crowd and ran to where he was struggling to stand.
    Her father was right behind her. Putting his strong arms under Robert’s, he helped lift him to his feet. “You all right, son? That was a pretty nasty fall you took. Are you sure you don’t want to sit for a while?”
    Robert shook his head and managed a rueful smile. “I’m okay, Mr. Cromwell. Just my pride is a little battered. What happened?”
    Carrie explained quickly, aware of the sympathetic murmurs sweeping the crowd. “What a shame. You could have won. I know you could have!”
    “What do you mean could have ?” Robert asked. “Surely such a thing qualifies me for another chance.”
    “It certainly does, young man.” Colonel Benton had walked up while they were talking. “If you feel like riding again, you certainly are entitled to another tilt.”
    “How’s Granite? Did he hurt himself on the post?” Robert asked.
    Someone led Granite up and Carrie hurried over to examine him. After several moments she turned to Robert. “He’s fine. He has a little scrape, but it doesn’t seem to be bothering him. He’s a little excited, but he’ll calm down.”
    Just then Nathan rode up on Comet. “Say old man, I’m really sorry. That’s a rotten piece of luck. You might have vanquished me.”
    Robert looked up with a grin. “I’d say that is still a distinct possibility, Knight Blackwell. Give it your best shot, Nathan. I’m going to try and beat it!”
    Nathan laughed, “You’re going to ride again? On this horse?”
    Carrie’s eyes flashed. “Certainly. And he will win!” She was aware others shared his feeling that Granite would be too tense after his experience to give Robert a good ride. She knew differently.
    Nathan made no effort to hide his dubious expression. He thought for a moment and then leaned forward to regard Robert. “If you’re so determined to ride, why don’t we share Comet? That way the end will be the result of our spearing skill. I’d hate to take unfair advantage of you.”
    Robert looked at him in surprise. “That’s quite a generous offer.”
    Carrie held her breath as Robert’s brow creased in consideration. Comet was a fine horse and she would probably give him as good a ride as she would give Nathan. Granite was still rolling his eyes and moving nervously. She knew Robert wanted to win, but it was important to her that Granite win as well.
    Robert turned to her and asked quietly, “Do you think Granite will be okay?”
    Carrie never hesitated. “He will be fine. He’s gotten you this far. Let him take you all the way.”
    Robert gazed at her for a moment and then nodded. “I’ll ride Granite, Nathan. Thank you for your quite generous offer, however. Good luck.”
    “Good luck to you too, Borden. You’re going to need it.” Smiling, Nathan turned away and rode to the starting line.
    Carrie put her hand on Robert’s arm. “Talk to

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