Wifed By The Mountain Man: A Modern Mail-Order Bride Romance

Wifed By The Mountain Man: A Modern Mail-Order Bride Romance by Frankie Love

Book: Wifed By The Mountain Man: A Modern Mail-Order Bride Romance by Frankie Love Read Free Book Online
Authors: Frankie Love
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the worst thing ever, because it’s still bright outside, but thick storm clouds sweep in, and the rain is pouring.
    I take deep breaths, knowing this storm isn’t going to leave anytime soon.
    The lights finally black out, and I realize we are really sheltered by the forest, because the house is suddenly darker than I expected it would be. Shit. Hope starts crying, and I pick her up from the jumper and walk to the garage, looking for flashlights.
    “It’s okay, sweet girl,” I tell her, opening a cabinet in the three-bay garage. “Look, there are flashlights right here. He’s so prepared; he knows how to take good care of you.”
    When I walk back into the house, I hear my cell phone ringing.
    It’s sitting on the counter—because, yes, I have kept calling my friends to no avail since I’ve arrived—and I grab it and answer, bouncing Hope on my hip.
    “Oh my God, Amelia. How are you?” Delta asks. I let out a breath I didn’t even know I was holding.
    “I’m okay, but there’s a really bad storm. And nothing is going as planned. He doesn’t want a wife. And I just want a husband. He won’t change his mind, so I’m leaving.”
    “What?” she asks. “I can’t hear you.”
    “You can’t hear me?” I pace around the room, trying to get in a better spot, but this storm has effed with the reception. “I have so much to talk about with you. Have you spoken with Everly? I haven’t heard from her. I just really hope she’s having some sex.” I try to keep the conversation light because my eyes are welling up with tears, hearing my friend’s voice. I feel so far from anything familiar.
    “I’ll have to call Monique and get a landline to reach you. You aren’t coming through, Amelia.”
    “I can hear every word you’re saying, Delta. This is so frustrating. Listen, are you alright? Did you get married?”
    “Me? Not married yet. But tomorrow. Tomorrow I will be.”
    I swear I hear her beaming through the line. Thank God she’s happy. “I can’t wait to meet him. I just wish we could actually talk. I’m having such a hard time. I miss you, I miss everything.” Hope starts crying in my arms, as if she knows I am upset. I pull her closer to me, inhaling her sweet smell, willing her to stop fussing.
    “You okay, Amelia? Is someone upset?”
    “It’s all a mess,” I gush. “Reed has a baby, and she’s perfect. I love her so much, but I can’t stay with a man who doesn’t want me as anything more than a babysitter. I need a husband, especially if there’s a child involved. I don’t know what to think.”
    Just then, a giant crack sounds through the house, and a branch falls through the gorgeous full window that faces the lake.
    Shit. Hope is screeching now, and I am, too. Holy shit, that terrified me. And then I swallow, realizing another branch could fall through here, and now that there’s glass shattered across the room, we aren’t safe here at all.
    I run to the office, find Reed’s number and dial it, but there’s no answer. Shit. I call the charter boat, and get nothing. Out of ideas, I dial 911, knowing they’ll help me decide my next move.
    “Hello,” I say to the operator, then explain the situation.
    “Ma’am, I suggest if you’re alone with an infant that you drive to town immediately and get yourself in a hotel for the night.”
    “You think it isn’t safe to stay?”
    “There are bears and wolves, and if you can’t close off access to the home, they won’t hesitate to come in.”
    “Bears?” I scoff, actually shocked that Reed didn’t give me a better education on the animal life stalking his house.
    “And if there are a lot of trees around, another branch might cause more harm. Better safe than sorry on a night like this.”
    He’s right, of course, and I hang up. I go looking for a set of car keys, needing to get Hope out of here before either of us get hurt.
    I wish Reed were here, and I hate that I want him … but as I assess the

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