Splintered Fate

Splintered Fate by ylugin

Book: Splintered Fate by ylugin Read Free Book Online
Authors: ylugin
Tags: Fantasy, Magic, Young Adult, War, love, journey
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last felt.
    Ardin growled in response.
    Lana raised her hand to touch the side of her
Aorra’s face. He, however, ducked out of her reach.
    I am truly sorry Ardin. It was
impulsive of me, I thought I could… well it doesn’t matter now. How
did you get me out of there?
    It was not I alone who got you out
of there. We were lucky today. Stupid luck, that’s what saved
    Lana stared at him quizzically,
unsure of what Ardin meant. The wolf moved to the side, allowing
for her to better take in the surroundings. She saw a man standing
to the side, behind Ardin, previously blocked from her
    It was evident
he was Rami. Her first gut reaction was to get away but recognition
washed over her before she could react. She saw the eyes of a boy
she once knew peering at her from the body of a man. This can’t be.
    Lana looked to Ardin for
affirmation, afraid that she was perhaps seeing things,
    It’s him. Was Ardin’s only response.
    Lana’s wide eyes darted back to the Rami
before her.
    He stood there looking at her,
unsure of whether to approach her or not while Lana sat on the
ground, looking up at him with wide green eyes. It was as if his
whole body was somehow in her grip, he found that he could finally
breathe when she turned away to her Aorra. When she turned back to
him his muscles would tighten, making it a challenge to fill his
lungs with air. Kaiden tried to shake the feeling, to regain
control of himself. He was uncertain why he was feeling this way,
unwillingly allowing for her to have this power over
    “ Kaiden?” Lana asked
    Relief washed over him, she
remembered him. Kaiden walked a few steps towards her and knelt
next to her. She was close enough that he could reach out and touch
her if he wanted to. The thought made his pulse race. Hadn’t he
just carried her? But she was not conscious then and having her
eyes watching him was very different.
    “ It’s been a long time Lana
Casteel.” This was the first thing he could think of in response.
He cringed at using her full name, it felt so formal, so distant.
As if they were strangers. Kaiden stood and held out his hand to
    Lana eyed it a moment, as if
wondering what to do with it, and then took it.His pulse quickened
at her touch. This was real. The two of them standing together,
existing, it was real.
    Lana managed to get to her feet
but her head pounded back at her in protest. The world was doing
somersaults in her head. She could feel Kaiden’s arms grab her in a
strong but gentle hold, steadying her while keeping her at arms
length. He helped her back down to the ground to rest against a
smooth boulder. She obviously needed more time to
    Ardin gently nudged Kaiden's hand,
looking to Lana and back towards the Rami.
    “ I can give you some energy if
that is what you need.” The Rami said in a cool voice to
    Lana blushed at his offer,
embarrassed to seem so weak, but nodded in response. The quicker
she could fully function the better. Her hopes that the Rami who
came onto their shores were refugees was false. Madonians were in
danger. There was no doubt that Arkhip Dukran would use this to get
the war he had always wanted. Lana needed to pull herself together,
she needed to warn her father.
    A light erupted in Kaiden's hand.
For a moment she looked at it with horror, being brought back to
only moments ago at the Rami camp. Brought back to the feeling of
having every cell in her body ignited by the energy forced into
her, burning through her.
    He’s not going
to harm you, it’s okay. Ardin reassured
her, feeling her fear as he stepped between her and Kaiden. Kaiden
sent the soft glowing light from his palm to Ardin who allowed for
it to wash over the wolf and then Lana.
    Sweet relief washed away Lana’s
pounding head. After a moment she gently rose to stand on her own.
Her eyes met with Kaiden’s. Guarded and withdrawn eyes looked back
at her, she couldn’t read him, couldn’t tell what he

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