Splintered Fate

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Book: Splintered Fate by ylugin Read Free Book Online
Authors: ylugin
Tags: Fantasy, Magic, Young Adult, War, love, journey
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besides for the few who took its location
to their grave. Alogrin became a fairy tail that parents would tell
their children. But even those stories of the once upon a time
kings and talented fighters, stories of a peaceful time and a
hidden city began to fade. But the stories never faded from Lana.
It was a place she had desperately wished to be real.
    Donn moved his arms to cradle each of his
grandchildren, pulling them a bit closer to himself. “That is where
we will be heading. I have a home there, but for these little ones
it will be a first time trip.”
    “ I thought Alogrin was a myth.”
Kaiden spoke what Lana was thinking. She peered at him, it seems
that the stories of Alogrin were told amongst both
    “ Oh it’s very real, I assure
    “ You live there?” Lana questioned,
unsure if she believed him.
    “ Ehhh, I have a home there, but
haven't lived there long term. With the way things are, I figured
it would be the safest place for the grandkids, for the time
being.” Donn looked at them, all-staring back at him wide-eyed in
disbelief. “I can take you there, though it will be tricky. They
have never allowed a Council member through their gates
    “ Is it truly as great as the
stories lead it to be?” Lana asked eagerly, her apprehension was
being overwhelmed the possibility of Alogrin being real. There was
a flicker of hope at the prospect of it. A grand city, one with a
golden army, an army that could stand against this war. A place
where Rami and Madonians can live without fear.
    “ It is even more remarkable than
the stories, my dear. Rami and Madonians live there without
bloodshed, it is a small haven away from this cruel
    “ I’ve heard that they are great
warriors.” Kaiden stated.
    “ The best.” Donn said with a wink,
as if he knew a secret about their warriors.
    “ Why do they stay hidden away? Why
not come out and be known and help the people of our lands? Where
is Alogrin?” Lana began asking, her mind racing with
    “ They have their reasons and
opinions.” Donn replied lifting an eyebrow while he watched her.
"As for where they are, that is a complicated answer. Alogrin is in
the mountains by your lands, Ms. Casteel. The city is hidden
amongst the Selvirian mountains."
    Lana looked down in thought. To go
to Alogrin would be amazing, but what of everything in Selviria,
everything in all of Madonia? She would have to talk to her father.
“I cannot leave my people and--” Lana was cut off from finishing
her thoughts by Donn abruptly turning away from her. He looked
towards the forest behind him.
    “ It has started,” the words
hauntingly left his lips.
    Ardin too now turned, his ears up
and pointed.
    What is
it? Lana asked her
    “ WHAT? What do you mean
    “ It seems a battle has started
outside of Abder.” The old man spoke while scratching a small
balding spot on top of his light grey head. “It seems we have
luckily somehow avoided the Rami moving towards Abder.”
father, Ardin said as he began running
through the woods, knowing Lana would have sent him anyway. Kaiden
and Donn both turned to her in question of Ardin’s
    “ My father is there. Ardin is
going to go find him.” Lana spoke as she walked over to the white
horse, pulling her sword from the mare and strapping it to her
waist while panic began creeping in. “Donn, may I borrow her once
more?” Lana asked urgently, regarding the horse.
    “ She is all yours, you can keep
    Kaiden gently grabbed Lana’s arm
forcing her eyes to meet his. “You should not go. You were just
    “ And now I am all better, thanks
to your donation of strength.” She owed him her life yet she felt
betrayed that he taught his brother things from their past. Things
that she thought were only between the two of them. She turned to
get on her horse.
    Kaiden held his grip on her arm.
“I only gave enough for you to feel better

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