Splintered Fate

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Book: Splintered Fate by ylugin Read Free Book Online
Authors: ylugin
Tags: Fantasy, Magic, Young Adult, War, love, journey
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    Her heart hammered against her
ribs. He was standing in front of her, he was really there. The boy
she still had dreams of.
    It was as if they were in some
sort of a time warp. She felt like she had known him for all the
time they had been apart, yet at the same time it was as if they
were strangers. As she was staring into Kaiden’s blue eyes she
understood why the Rami Lieutenant’s eyes seemed so curious to her.
The joy flustering within her at such an unexpected reunion
immediately settled down.
    “ Thank you for saving me from… Who
were those men?” She asked Kaiden, referring to the two Rami who
had confronted her.
    “ The shorter one was Seff and the
other one, his name is Garin.”
    Lana looked down at the ground a
moment in thought. She had heard him say that name before, a long
time ago. She paused, “Your brother?”
    “ Yes.”
    Lana only nodded in response to his
affirmation. She was beginning to put things about the encounter
    “ You taught him to control his
power like that.” It was not a question. Lana knew most Rami had no
true control of their abilities. They shot out energy with no
finesse and little control, endangering everyone around them,
including themselves. The only one, or so she thought, who was ever
able to hold and control the power from within, so that it could be
condensed into a sphere, was standing before her and the only
reason he ever possessed such capabilities was because of
    In an instant she felt angry. Her
time with Kaiden at Ucu had led to a vile Rami such as Garin having
such great control of his strength. The Rami’s inability to control
their powers was one of the Madonian’s main advantages against
    Lana turned to Donn. He and his grandkids
stood in silence watching the exchange between Lana and the strange
    “ Thank you for staying but you
must go to safety. It has become too dangerous now. The Rami are
combing through the forest around their camp. They are military
men, not refugees. Take your grandchildren and get out of
    “ What will you and your friend do
now?” Donn replied calmly.
    That’s when Lana noticed he was oddly
comfortable around Kaiden. Most Madonian’s would run or try to kill
a Rami on sight, at the very least she should be able to sense some
unease from him. But Donn seemed fine, not at all distressed, and
even called him her friend.
    “ You’re not frightened of him?”
Lana asked Donn.
    Donn chuckled before placing a hand on a
shoulder of each of his grandkids. “Oh no, these little one’s seem
skittish but they will get over it. I have been around many Rami
people in my life.”
    Kaiden now seemed interested in
the old man. “Where have you been around so many Rami?” he
    Donn turned to address Kaiden with an almost
whimsical look, “In Alogrin, my boy.”
    Lana stepped closer to the old
man, her eyes wide. “You have been to Alogrin?” She asked in
    “ I have,” was his only
    I thought that place was a myth.
Madonians have searched for years and it was never found. Can it be
    Ardin studied
the old man along with Lana. I don’t know,
but the stories must have come from somewhere.
    Alogrin was a place where Rami and
Madonians once lived together, away from the troubles of the world.
Where the great kings of the lands once lived and ruled over both
races, under one single rule. The city’s location had always
remained secret. Only the kings and their most trusted people lived
in Alogrin, along with the golden army. The golden army was the
highest caliber of the king’s forces, highly skilled and trusted.
They protected their king fiercely.
    This was before the wars destroyed everything.
After the fall of the last great king the golden army was never
seen again. It was rumored that they fell into hiding in order to
protect the unborn son of the late king, but those were only
    The public had no knowledge of how
to get to the great city,

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