Shifting Gears (Crossroads Series Book 2)
to take care of something this evening. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!” She winked at him and he could do nothing but close his eyes and shake his head. Jesus, his life was odd.
    “He’s only a friend.”
    “You’re boring.”
    “Thanks, Mom.”
    Coming. Landon texted back. And the truth was, he wanted to go. He missed spending time with Rod. But he also still stood firmly by the belief that they were friends, and they shouldn’t fuck around. Look what had happened already. Sure it was Landon’s own damn fault, but that didn’t change the fact that it happened. Fault wasn’t always what mattered, and he knew himself well enough to know he’d get itchy feet and run.
    He had to find a way to make Rod understand that…and not lose him. Jesus, he didn’t want to lose their friendship.
    I’m too pissed to make a joke about that. Thanks for fucking up my sense of humor.
    Landon chuckled. The man was definitely insane. He grabbed his stuff before going out and climbing on his bike. He let it idle for a second as he latched his helmet. Kickstand up, he backed out of the driveway and then pulled away.
    He knew this had something to do with the get together at Bryce’s house. He’d probably mentioned that he invited Landon, and that he’d decided not to come.
    Twenty minutes later he was at Rod’s place. He put his bike on the stand, and was pulling his helmet off his head as he walked to the door. Landon held his hand up to knock when it pulled open.
    Fucker. He was wearing the eyeliner. Why did he have to wear the eyeliner?
    Flashes of their last night played in his head—Rod laid out on the bed, the dildo in his ass, the feel of his mouth as he sucked Landon’s fingers into it, cleaning him up.
    The taste of Rod on his tongue as well.
    Rod stood in the doorway, one hand on the jamb and the other on the door, blocking Landon’s entrance.
    “Oh, nice of you to show up. You really fucking ditched Bryce and Nick’s house because I would be there? Is this high school? Two adults can’t be in the same room with each other after they screwed around and got each other’s cooties?”
    Well…when he said it like that… “Can I come in or not?” Landon pouted.
    “I don’t know. Are you sure you can handle it? I mean, I’ve seen your dick. I think that means we’re supposed to pull each other’s hair and call each other names.”
    Rod was right, and he felt like a fucking idiot for it. “I can pull your hair if you want. Might be fun.”
    Rod gave him an evil eye. Apparently now wasn’t the time for jokes. Landon let out a deep breath. “Just…just let me in. There’s something I want to tell you.” Something he’d never talked to anyone else about, but he knew he needed to share it with the man standing in front of him right now.


    Landon looked to be wrestling with a hundred different emotions. His mouth was tight, those sexy eyes that Rod loved, heavy-lidded. There was a part of Rod that wanted to tell him fuck it. He didn’t need to know whatever Landon wanted to talk about as long as the guy pulled his head out of his ass.
    But then there was another part of him, maybe a selfish part, that wanted any piece of Landon that Landon would give him. Rod liked spending time with him, liked talking to him. There was no two ways about it. He just plain liked Landon.
    Rod stood back and signaled for Landon to come inside. “Do you want a drink?” he asked while closing the door.
    “Nah, I’m okay. Thanks.” Landon pulled off his motorcycle jacket and set it on the small table in the dining room before heading straight for the living room. He looked comfortable here. He should be, Rod guessed. He’d spent enough time in Rod’s home before his meltdown.
    He followed Landon over, both of them sitting on the couch before he looked at Landon, waiting for him to speak.
    Landon rubbed a hand over his face. “Say something funny. This feels ominous. It’s going

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