Dominated By The White Billionaire
Aaliyah Jackson
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Moving forward, she got to her knees and grabbed the bottle of shower cream as Kevin stood. Her eyes locked on his engorged, swollen cock straight away and her hands trembled as she poured some of the cream on her palms. She stared at the way the water rolled over solid muscles for just an instant before rubbing her hands on them. Her breath rasped out as she worked lower until the back of her hand grazed across the slick head of a fully erect cock.
Dawn looked up to catch Kevin’s gaze as she wrapped her soapy fingers around his erection. She heard his groan as she slowly stroked slippery touches up and down.
“Is this what you wanted from me?” she teased him.
“For a start,” he shot back.
Dawn laughed as she brought her gaze down and watched her fingers covering cock in soap. She could barely believe what she was doing with someone she only met a few hours previously, but she didn’t want to stop. She gripped tighter as she stroked from tip to balls again and again. When she finally let go, she cupped her hands in the water then poured it over Kevin’s stiff shaft to clear away the soap. Grabbing hold again, she rolled the foreskin down to completely expose the wet head and leaned forward to kiss it.
Kevin groaned as he put a hand on her shoulder and Dawn flicked out her tongue to tease the tip around his swollen glands. It was making her want more and the urgency came over her as she slid her lips over the head of his cock. She held it in her mouth as she stroked her fingers up and down again. She then worked her lips lower and began to bob her head.
Full Story:
“And in conclusion ladies and gentlemen…”
It was the last Dawn heard of billionaire Kevin Walker’s speech to the assembled crowd of students and lecturers as her nerves shot up. She’d been informed beforehand that those very words were her signal to get ready for the thank you speech she was to give. She practiced her opening line in her head and it was only when she heard the enthusiastic clapping around her that she realized that she needed to get moving.
She walked up the small set of steps onto the stage and was surprised that Kevin moved away from the lectern in her direction. She’d expected him to stay on the stage with her, but it didn’t look as if that was going to happen. Her nerves got the better of her and she could feel herself trembling at the prospect of giving a short speech in front of so many people.
Kevin held out his hand as he got to her and appeared to sense her trepidation. He leaned in to give her a kiss on the cheek and Dawn almost laughed out loud when she heard his quiet whisper.
“Just imagine them all naked,” he said. “It takes away the fear of public speaking and makes it easier. I do it all the time.”
Dawn went to move back, but the grip on her elbow held her in place.
“Oh and by the way,” Kevin went on with a grin. “You look great naked.”
Dawn did laugh this time as her nerves calmed. She saw the handsome older man wink at her as he released his grip and moved to the edge of the stage. Walking up to the lectern, she put her notes down on it and looked out towards the crowd.
“Imagine them naked,” she whispered under her breath before raising her voice. “Well first of all I’d like to take this opportunity to thank Mr. Walker for coming along today to open this new wing of the college. It is fitting that he did, since he donated the money to have it built and I’m sure all the students and the lecturers would like to join me in thanking him for his generosity.”
The crowd erupted into another round of applause and Dawn waited for the noise to die down before going on. She relaxed into the short speech and managed to get through it comfortably without making any mistakes. Kevin was standing by
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