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    For the first time, I noticed he was swaying on the rolling bed. “Ew, is it really?”
    “Yep.” He patted the spot next to him. “Wanna try it?”
    “No thank you.”
    He chuckled. “No matter how long I’ve been gone from home, some things never change. You’re always going to be the cautious good girl.”
    Wanting to wipe the smirk off Maddox’s face, I stalked over to the bed and hopped on. My exertions caused both of us to sway back and forth like we were riding ocean waves. When I had steadied a little, I turned to him and smiled sweetly. “Don’t underestimate me, Maddox. I’m not the same girl you left three years ago.”
    The corners of his lips quirked up. “Is that right?”
    “Yes, it is.”
    His gaze left mine to scan down my body. “You know, I think you’re right. Your tits have seriously grown since I left.”
    I huffed with exasperation. “I shouldn’t even dignify that statement with a response.” Rising up on my elbows, I motioned to his crotch. “Of course, I’ve always got another knee ready and waiting.”
    Maddox grinned. “I think you have an unhealthy obsession with my balls, babe.”
    “I’m well acquainted with your balls, and I can’t say I was too impressed.”
    The next thing I knew Maddox had rolled over to straddle me. I hissed in both aggravation and the fact that only a thin pair of boxers and my panties underneath the flimsy robe separated us. Memories of our lovemaking assaulted me, and I fought to mentally escape them by thrashing against Maddox’s chest. His hands quickly swept to pin my wrists above my head. His exertions sent us rolling on the water-filled mattress. My chest rose and fell with pants of angry and sexual frustration. Stop it right now with the feelings, Lane. Just because you’re alone in the middle of nowhere with a guy who possesses a righteous bod, and who you used to love, does not mean you need to get all hot and bothered. I screamed at my traitorous body. Yeah, Maddox might’ve saved your life today, but he is still the epic douchewad who broke your heart.
    Maddox stared down at me with a cocky gleam in his eyes. “Not impressed with my balls, huh? I call bullshit because if I remember correctly, you came twice that night—once when I was inside you, which is pretty impressive for a first timer.”
    Pursing my lips, I fought myself from countering with, It’s a little creepy that you have an almost photographic memory of our sexcapade. Instead, I replied breathlessly, “And what does that have to do with your balls?”
    He rolled his eyes. “Duh, they’re attached to my dick—the epic love wand that gave you that orgasm.”
    I busted out laughing. “Oh come on. Do you normally wow chicks by calling your…” I swallowed hard before I could even say the word, “ penis a ‘love wand’?”
    Maddox grinned. “No, not really. Usually they don’t need any verbal persuasion or summation of my sex skills to want me.”
    I snorted. “Ugh, if you consider banging bimbos a challenge, than have it.” I pushed against him. “Let me up.”
    My eyebrows shot up in surprise. “Excuse me?”
    He shook his head slowly back and forth. “Not until you fully acknowledge that I’m a sex god.”
    “Oh please, we were together one measly time.”
    Waggling his eyebrows, he countered, “I bet ya I’m still the best you’ve ever had.”
    As much as I hated to admit it, he was right. Sex with Eli was sweet and tender, but it was nothing like what I had had, although briefly, with Maddox. How can you ever top sex underneath the stars with the love of your life?
    But instead of giving him the satisfaction, I narrowed my eyes at him. “Do you really want me to take another stroll down memory lane? I don’t think our versions of what happened that night will exactly match.”
    His expression became almost quizzical as he stared unblinking and unmoving at me. “You think I stole your virginity, don’t you? That I

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