Never Let You Go

Never Let You Go by Desmond Haas

Book: Never Let You Go by Desmond Haas Read Free Book Online
Authors: Desmond Haas
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haven’t seen a doctor here. I didn’t think I needed to.”
    “That’s okay. Don’t worry about it.”
    “Do you want a baby?” I ask.
    “You mean a Sam Junior?”
    “Yeah, a Sam Junior or a Samantha. Do you want one?”
    “At least one. What about you?”
    “I can’t wait to see you changing diapers.”
    “You’ll have to teach me,” he said.
    “Hold me…I want to feel your arms around me. Hold me tight.”
    “I have you, baby. I’ll never let you go.”
    The End

About The Author
    Desmond Haas lives in upstate New York, USA, where he hides himself from his family, two dogs and five cats, and pounds on a keyboard to try and make sense of the words and images in his head. Writing, he says, is an invisible performance art.
    He considers himself to be a renaissance man, stuck in time, working with various media, including photography, to express himself. While most of his book and short stories are contemporary erotic romance, he is secretly working on other genres in his underground lair.
    Above this lair, he lives with his wife, two teenagers, two large dogs and five cats. As he is a reverse snow bird from Florida, Desmond relishes the four season climate, but hates cleaning the snow off his car in the winter.
    Desmond Haas / [email protected]

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