Remember Love

Remember Love by Riley Rhea

Book: Remember Love by Riley Rhea Read Free Book Online
Authors: Riley Rhea
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I try to hold back the moan as my clit rubs up against his erection.
    Knowing his mom heard me , I feel a blush rise in my cheeks, especially when she says, “Brenna, you okay?
    Tucker must have heard her because his body is shaking in silent laughter , his face pressed into the crook of my neck.
    “Yeah . I’m fine.”
    This makes Tucker laugh even harder.
    She talks for a few minutes more and tells me she hopes to see me soon. Then we end the call and I shove Tucker’s phone against his chest as he leans back.
    He says , “Aw baby, don’t be mad. After all, you started it.”
    “I did no such thing . I was just sitting here, waiting for you to get off the phone.”
    “Yeah , you were,” he says as he lays his phone on the table. “I gotta go soon, so don’t get me all worked up.”
    “ I’m not opposed to helping you out with that, you know.”
    “I know . But I’m not going to make love to you and leave. Especially since I have to go a week without seeing you again.”
    “If you say so.”
    “Yeah . I say so, for now, anyway. As much as I hate to leave you here, I need to be heading home.”
    Pouting a bit, Tucker smiles at me, then leans forward and takes my bottom lip between his. We share another soft, slow kiss before he stands up and lowers me back to my feet. I’m not ready for this to be over.
    “Don’t worry , Brenna. This isn’t goodbye.”
    “I know . Doesn’t mean I won’t miss you, though.”
    Smiling , he bends down to pick up his bag, placing it on the couch to zip it up. Then grabs his phone from the table and slides it into his pocket. He takes me into his arms, hugging me tight.
    I close my eyes and inhale deeply so I can remember his scent until I’m in his arms again.
    Tucker lets out a sigh. “I’d ask you to walk me out, but with you dressed like that, I might have to hurt someone before I reach my truck.”
    “Jealous much?”
    “Nah, baby. I just don’t want others to see what’s mine.” He says as he pulls me flush against him, staring straight into my eyes. “And you, Brenna James, are mine.”
    He kiss es me one last time before heading for the door. I’m sad to see him go, even though I have a beaming smile on my face. I take my necklace between my fingers and realize, yes, I’m his. And I couldn’t be happier about it.

Chapter Nineteen
    After Tucker left yesterday , I rested on the couch and pondered everything we discussed. I now understand why he was hurting over Wesley. He was waiting for me. He had put his life on hold for me. And what did I do? I threw it all back in his face.
    I was ted years with Wesley. If I’d only waited for Tucker, I could have spent my time with him. But in my defense, I was a young naive girl who jumped at the chance to date when an older boy asked me out. So, I jumped at the chance. And when that older boy pushed, I gave in and climbed into his back seat.
    Sex with Wesley was a disaster. It made me wonder what all the hype was about. That’s also why I never bothered to go the distance with anyone else. After what I felt this weekend in Tucker’s arms, I finally understand the hype. I felt so hot and needy… downright horny for the first time in my life.
    Then I think about the fateful conversation he had with Mom. I can’t believe she said those things. I’m sure she thought she was doing what was best for me, but I wish she would have talked to me about it. Although I was only fourteen at the time, I guess she didn’t think I was old enough to understand.
    Tucker called when he got home . We talked about all of our likes and dislikes. Did the whole “getting to know you” thing again. The only major thing we disagree on is sports. I refuse to change teams, as does he. He told me he was going to wear his UK shirt and hat the next time he visits.  A blue shirt, cat lover in the middle of Card Nation? Yeah, Tucker. Good luck with that.
    After making plans for the following weekend . I insisted

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