Remember Love

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Book: Remember Love by Riley Rhea Read Free Book Online
Authors: Riley Rhea
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ready as quickly as possible.  Today, I am headed south and toward Tucker.

Chapter Twenty
    I thought the last eight years were torture without Brenna. Wrong. The last four days have felt like hell. I miss her. Our amazing Sunday feels like it happened months ago.
    But now, in less than twenty four hours, she’ll be in my arms again.
    We’ve spent th ese past four days reacquainting ourselves, between texts and phone calls. We haven’t spoken much about the past. There isn’t much left to say.
    I did , however, ask that she not confront her mom just yet. I think we should wait until after her graduation and do that together.
    She agreed that we sh ould stand together and hope her mom approves. I don’t need her mom’s approval, but I want it. Regardless, I’ll not let anyone come between us again. Come hell or high water, I’ll have my forever with Brenna. She is my future, and with each passing day that future becomes less of a fantasy and more of a reality.
    I slow my truck, taking in the scenery as I drive the last quarter mile down the driveway to my house. I love living here. It’s peaceful. There are no neighbors nearby and my house is far enough from the road that people driving by can’t see what’s going on in my yard. Not that anything exciting ever happens here. But hopefully that’s about to change.
    Peering out the windshield, I notice Brenna’s Xterra parked next to my house. My heart beats faster the closer I get. I didn’t know she was coming today, and I’m a little worried about why she’s here early. I thought everything was okay between us when we spoke last night.
    “Stop thinking the worst , Tucker.” I mutter to myself.
    I p ark beside her and turn off the engine. I sit there for a minute to calm my racing pulse before looking for her. She has to be around the back of the house, or I would have seen her as I drove up.
    I finally exit my truck and hustle to the back yard. I was right. She’s standing with on my deck, elbows propped against the rail, as she stares off into the woods.
    Leaning against the side of the house , she’s wearing a strapless pale pink dress with little white flowers around the top, and her cowboy boots. There’s nothing sexier than Brenna wearing her boots. I see an overnight bag at her feet with a little denim jacket strewn across it.
    I push away from the house and head her way just as she spots me, giving me a bright smile.
    Brenna walks toward me, and as soon as I reach the deck steps, she’s in my arms.
    I say, “I’m not complaining but I thought you weren’t coming till tomorrow.”
    “I had to come today. I remember , Tucker. I remember that night, and the way I felt.”
    I s queeze her tight, trailing kisses across her cheek to the corner of her mouth, and my heart may burst at any second. It’s beating so hard and fast. Tilting her head back so I can look into her beautiful deep blue eyes, I say, “What did you feel baby?”
    “Safe, home, a forever kind of love, right here in your arms then and now . That’s what I feel. I felt it the other night. I just didn’t realize that was what you wanted me to remember.”
    “I wanted you to remember the love we shared, to feel the connection we had then. And I hope you feel that same love and connection now.”
    “I remember the promises…”Brenna trails off , her eyes settling over my shoulder on something in the distance. “Who’s that?”
    T ension overtakes my body as I look over my shoulder. You’ve got to be fucking kidding me! What the hell is she doing here? Better yet, how does she know this is where I live?
    I face Brenna. “That’s Stacy.”
    Brenna’s body stiffens in my arms. She slowly starts to pull away, but I tighten my arms to keep there.
    I say, “Before you get riled up, I have no idea what she wants or why she’s here.”
    “Then I suggest you find out and get rid of her before I do.”
    There’s my feisty girl.
    Letting go of Brenna, I trudge

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