Remember Love

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Book: Remember Love by Riley Rhea Read Free Book Online
Authors: Riley Rhea
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that I would be the one to drive to visit him, we said our “see you laters.” We don’t say “goodbye.” It sounds too final, and there will be no more “goodbyes” between us.
    After a quick showe r, I crawled into bed and held tight to the pillow Tucker used. It still smelled like him.
    When I woke up the next morning , a text awaited me.
    Tucker: Good morning.
    Brenna: Good morning.
    Tucker: Good luck with you r finals.
    Brenna: Thx :) I will txt u when I’m done.
    Tucker: sounds good. Have a good day.
    Brenna: U 2
    After spending the morning texting, I rush to campus to complete my first final. Then I hurry back home to text Tucker again and study before my next final. I wake up to do it all again the next day… and the next. Each day is a weight lifted and a step closer to my future. The future I now see with him.
    Finally, after completing my last final, I arrive back at my apartment and happily drop my keys and phone on the table. Then I smile as I throw myself across my bed. Grades will be posted late next week, and graduation is set for the following weekend. All that’s left after getting my grades is applying for my teaching certificate before the end of the month.
    I drift off to sleep with a smile on my face.
    Tucker and I walk hand in hand through the streets downtown. We look for a place to sit by ourselves, away from the crowds, so we can stare at the night sky together. We find a patch of grass between two buildings and sit there in silence for a little while. Tucker puts his arm around my shoulders and draws me up close to his side.
    “Brenna , I meant what I said on the Ferris wheel.”
    “You did?”
    “Yeah, I’ll always be yours. I’ve loved you since the moment I met you five years ago. I’ll still love you five years from now and five years after that.”
    “So you only plan to love me for the n ext ten years?” I laugh softly.
    “No . I plan to love you for the rest of my life.”
    I see the love in his eyes. I know he means it.
    “You know , I’ve loved you just as long, Tucker.”
    “I know.”
    I nudge his side with my elbow, making him chuckle.
    “Brenna , you’re going to marry me one of these days. You know that, right?”
    “Yeah , Tuck. I know.”
    “No matter what , you wait for me. No one else, Brenna. It’s you and me forever. You are forever mine. Promise me, Brenna.”
    “Forever yours, I promise , Tuck, and you are forever mine, too. So you better wait for me to grow up.”
    “There was never any doubt about that.”
    After sealing our promises with a kiss, we sit there side by side, his arm around my waist, and my head resting on his shoulder. I know that this boy will be mine for the rest of my life. This is where we belong. Forever side by side. This is where I feel safe. This is where I feel at home. This is a forever kind of love.
    I s it straight up in bed, running my hands across my face, feeling wetness on my cheeks.
    I remember.
    That night his parents found us spread out on the grass in our little hideaway spot, making out like the teenagers we were. His mother instructed us it was time to leave for the night, and that my mom was looking for me.
    The rest of th at summer, Tucker and I were inseparable, making the most out of every minute. Stolen kisses in the hayloft, sitting for hours in our tree. Taking every chance to see each other. Summer turned into fall, and fall to winter, and we always found ways to be together.
    That spring we made plans to spend every moment of the coming summer. But by then, it was all gone. I was alone with no more Tucker, and no reason why. Tucker and his family moved away from the farm, so there was no way to see him anymore. I didn’t know where they went, and no one would answer my questions.
    My young heart was shattered that summer. I moped around the house, fearing I’d done something to make him stay away.
    Now I know why , and I know what I have to do. I jump out of bed and rush around my apartment to get

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