Prim and Proper Fate (Twisted Fate Series Book 2)

Prim and Proper Fate (Twisted Fate Series Book 2) by Tami Lund

Book: Prim and Proper Fate (Twisted Fate Series Book 2) by Tami Lund Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tami Lund
was pretty damn heartless,” Brandon commented a little while later, as they lounged in the seating area outside their gate and waited for their flight. Sydney and William had gone to use the nearby restrooms and to scope out the nearest storefronts for snacks. Brandon and Prim had both agreed a short time ago that there were no Rakshasa present in the airport, so for the moment, they were all safe.
    “I didn’t mean for it to be,” Prim said. “But it’s the truth. And she needs to understand the truth. Otherwise she’s apt to do something foolish that could get her killed. And just so you know, if she dies, I’m not cursing Gavin. It would kill him for sure to be cursed and realize he killed the woman he loves.”
    “If he kills her, I’ll kill him,” Brandon replied. He meant it.
    The next available flight they’d all been able to get on was scheduled to leave in three hours. Brandon paced restlessly, while the other three settled in, reading books or watching the news on the series of televisions mounted to the ceiling in the waiting area.
    “He’s in Detroit.” William pointed at the screen, where a grim-looking reporter covered a story about a double-homicide with no leads, no witnesses, and no motive. Another unsolvable case, and just when Detroit’s crime rate had started to decline.
    “You don’t know that,” Sydney insisted. No one bothered to contradict her.
    “Please sit down,” Prim complained to Brandon. “You remind me of a caged animal, pacing like that.”
    “It’s not an inaccurate description,” Brandon pointed out. “It’s my back. When I sit down, it hurts like hell. And I’m going to be sitting in a too-small seat for two hours when I get on that plane. I’d rather put off the inevitable, if I can.”
    “Why don’t you take an aspirin or something?”
    “My metabolism is too high. The pain goes away for about thirty minutes, and then the medicine’s through my system. And if I keep taking it, I’ll end up with stomach ulcers.”
    “Oh, for the love of Fates. Come here.” She motioned at him and then pointed at seat next to her. “Sit down. I’ll work the kinks out of your lower back.”
    Brandon hesitated, because he knew the second her hands touched his body, he’d have a hard-on the size of a baseball bat in his lap. Okay, maybe it wouldn’t quite be that big, but it sure as hell would feel like it.
    But the thought of how good his shoulders had felt after she’d worked out the kinks earlier had him obediently sitting down next to her on the row of armless, attached seats. Turning to the side, he showed her his back and faced William, who sat on his other side. Spotting that Fate’s neck pillow, he grabbed it and stuffed it into his lap and then glared at William, daring him to try to take it back. William didn’t move.
    Prim had magical hands. Brandon closed his eyes and let the sensations flow through his body. Erotic, to be sure, and he wanted nothing more than to drag her into his lap and fuck her until they were both exhausted, but it was so much more than that. She knew exactly what to do, exactly which knots needed the most attention. She used her fingers and the heel of her hand and even at one point, her elbow, as she worked every single knot and kink out of his back.
    When she was done, his back felt great, and his groin and his head both felt as if they were about to explode.
    He twisted around and leaned back against the seat, sighing. “I don’t suppose you want to find a secluded corner and join the Mile High Club really quick, do you?”
    Prim blinked. “Er . . . Don’t you have to be in an airplane for it to be considered the Mile High Club?”
    “I’m not sure I can wait that long. I feel like I’m about to explode. Your backrubs are the greatest form of foreplay ever.”
    “I wasn’t trying to turn you on,” Prim said stiffly. “I was trying to help. You said your back hurt. I knew a backrub would help. That’s it.”

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