him?” asked
    “Quite so. This man is
numbered among the Sealed.”
    Labat and his sons informed
Nartod of what they had seen, and that Dartego had been mumbling
phrases they could not decipher. Nartod then led four other men
carrying the stretcher holding Dartego to the medical wing. They
would care for him as best they could.
    Nartod and the four men
managed to clean and bandage Dartego, so he was now resting on a
cot in one of the four bays they had for various conditions: one
for the sick; a second for recoverable injuries; a third for
harsher wounds; and yet another for the least likely to recover. To
Nartod, it looked bad. Considering Dartego’s age and the incident,
it did not leave much promise for recovery. Yet Nartod acknowledged
he had seen miracles before. As such, he would try to remain
hopeful and pray.
    Nartod went to leave the
room when he heard movement. He turned to see Dartego sit strait
up. Eyes wide open, “Ekleipsis,” Dartego said clearly.
    Nartod was speechless. The
hairs on Nartod’s neck stood up, with a chill racing down his
spine. Dartego coughed and fell back. His eyes rolled to the back
of his head, as air exited his lungs. He went to sleep to be with
his fathers. There was nothing Nartod could do. Unable to revive
Dartego, Nartod ran to find the Auctoritas.
    § § § §
    The Auctoritas was the Commander of the Sealed, not as
a king would be, but as a commander nominated by the Sealed,
approved by the council, and then voted on by the Sealed
    There were a few requirements for
being an Auctoritas: He must be at least the age of thirty and be
no older than sixty at the time of vote. He must also have served
as one of the Sealed for a minimum of ten years. He must remain at
Kirche during his time in office (as a home, not physically unable
to leave).
    He was to be a figure head
for what was right, not above the people, but for the people. Being
approved by the council, he could also be removed by the council,
due to clear variance and departure from the Book of Wisdom. The
Sealed believed they had one true king, namely Salvare, so none
dared assume the title of such in his absence.
    The current Auctoritas was
Ciafus. Ciafus was a young man in his early
fifties of strong build, with a solid jaw of truth, and piercing
eyes – as one who could look through the lies of another, stand
firm on principle, and remain sturdy in battle. Upon the leave of
MaZak, years ago, he had been given the title of Auctoritas concerning the
    With unanimous approval
from the council, along with a majority vote of ninety percent
among the Sealed, it placed Ciafus in authority till he either
chose to step down, died, or upon return of King Salvare. He dared
not rule as one above all men, as a Popish, but merely one who
others may look to in times of danger and support.
    The Sealed were free to
live as they saw right, as long as by the guidelines set forth by
King Salvare in his Book of Wisdom. They needed no special
permission from Ciafus. He was there not as a dictator or legalist
but to hold the common interest of the King, that the Sealed be not
persuaded to waver from such.
    The council was made of
twelve men who were also voted in by the Sealed. As with the office
of Auctoritas, so were the qualifications
for the council members. Known as the Council of Kirche, these were
the members in alphabetical order: Adevar, Bron van Vreugde,
Ehrlich, Frieden, Fuerza, Langmutig, Odvaha, Pameten, Rakkaus, Usk,
Vitis, and Zavest. Bron van Vreugde was the eldest of the council,
with Adevar the youngest.
    § § § §
    Nartod ran the flight of
stairs rather quickly, making his way to the center of the castle
on the second floor. Reaching the council room, he pushed through
the door. Ciafus set at the far end head of the long, thick, wooden
table, with maps and papers spread the length thereof. Sitting on
like-padded chairs, as Ciafus, was Adevar, Usk, Ehrlich,

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