
Charade by Kate Donovan

Book: Charade by Kate Donovan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kate Donovan
Tags: Suspense, Romance
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leave? For Rome, I mean. Wouldn’t it be weird if you ran into her there?”
    “I’m rendezvousing with the international team in Rome, but we leave immediately for Palermo to take down Vincent. So I doubt I’ll be seeing Sasha.”
    “I’ll take care of it,” Jeff repeated, adding more diplomatically, “Like I said, nice work. Why don’t you guys just take the rest of the week off?”
    Winston arched a skeptical eyebrow. “Really?”
    “I won’t be here. Neither will Sasha. So what is there to do? Just enjoy yourselves at the Bureau’s expense. You’ve earned it. But first—” he gave the younger agent a final, authoritative glare “—get rid of that goddammed cannoli.”

    T here were soldiers everywhere. Blank-faced, robotic men wearing black parkas over dark green uniforms and carrying rifles, machine guns and pistols. They were in the jeep that transported Sasha up the mountain. They stood at attention along the narrow paved road leading to Zelasko’s stone fortress. When she finally alighted from the vehicle and approached the entrance, they surrounded her, their expressions still vacant. No trace of humanity, or sexual attraction, or chauvinistic sympathy.
    Sasha had met more than her share of bad guys: sociopathic hit men, bloodthirsty sadists, calculating opportunists. But these Kestonians were different. Not necessarily scarier per se, but scarier to her because of their unfamiliar attitude.
    As she walked toward the ten-foot-high double doors that had been opened to admit her, she craved the sound of Jeff Crossman’s voice in her ear. This was the first time in her life she had walked knowingly into danger without Summit to guide her. And at that moment she knew for sure that no matter how sexy he was, or how much fun he might be, she needed him more as a handler than as a boyfriend. She only hoped she’d have the chance to tell him that face-to-face before she died a lingering, painful death.
    What did you expect? she asked herself as panic welled up inside her. Did you really think you’d be safe here? Remember Mom? The gentlest woman on earth, with the quote-unquote body of a goddess. Everyone said so! But someone riddled that body with bullets without a second thought. Because killing for Big Frankie wasn’t just that thug’s job. It was his privilege. His honor. His destiny.
    And these men feel the same way about Vlados Zelasko!
    Too late, she realized that Delphi had been right. Even if the hacker hadn’t managed to access Sasha’s records, he or she had been suspicious enough to try. What if they had shared their suspicions with Zelasko?
    If these soldiers suspect you’re working for the NSA, they’ll torture you for information about Teal! Then they’ll toss your beaten body into some hideous mass grave. Why didn’t you abort this crazy mission when you had the chance?
    “Miss Bracciali?”
    She managed to focus on the speaker, a thin man with a disturbingly nasty smirk.
    At least he’s showing some emotion, she observed wryly. You know what Summit would say: Just smile and pretend to cooperate. Watch for an opportunity, and then get the hell out!
    So she nodded and said sweetly, “Yes, I’m she. My father is Big Frankie Bracciali, a vital figure in Kestonia’s future. I’m here on his behalf. And I believe General Zelasko’s sister is expecting me.”
    The man was visibly unimpressed. “Surrender your handbag and coat to my soldiers so that they may be searched with the rest of your belongings.”
    “Okay.” She handed her purse to one of the guards, then took off her black cashmere coat and proffered it, as well.
    The contemptuous man eyed what was left, namely Sasha’s boots, black skirt and gray silk blouse. She was pretty sure he intended to frisk her. The question was , would she allow it? He didn’t seem interested in her sexually, but still, the thought of his hands on her bare legs was downright creepy. Why couldn’t she have

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