Prim and Proper Fate (Twisted Fate Series Book 2)

Prim and Proper Fate (Twisted Fate Series Book 2) by Tami Lund Page B

Book: Prim and Proper Fate (Twisted Fate Series Book 2) by Tami Lund Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tami Lund
Detroit, Brandon immediately went on high alert. He forced Sydney to walk between he and William, and he scowled and glared at every person who dared look his way as they made their way down to baggage claim. Without Prim, they could have gone straight to the car rental counter, but of course the woman had more luggage than half the rest of the passengers combined.
    “There are no Rakshasa here,” Prim snapped, after Brandon’s dark look reduced a teenage boy to tears. “Stop frightening the humans. You are drawing attention to us unnecessarily.”
    Brandon could say the same for her. She was a walking wet dream, and every human with a dick between his legs couldn’t help but notice. Twice, Brandon watched grown men run into walls because they’d been staring at Prim for too long, and an entire platoon of military soldiers went down like dominoes when their legs became entangled because none were paying attention to where they were going. They were all too busy staring at Prim’s sashaying ass.
    Brandon wanted to slap his hand onto that ass and hold it there, a blatant display of caveman possession. But he knew he couldn’t. For one thing, Prim would knock him on his ass. For another, he had no right to claim possession. None at all. He’d offered, she’d declined, and they currently were barely on speaking terms.
    Finally, they had a rental car secured, Prim’s luggage was loaded into the trunk, and they piled in and were ready to go.
    “So we have Gavin’s place, which is downtown, and we have Sydney and William’s place, out in the ‘burbs. Downtown’s closer, and it’s still daylight, so it should be safe enough to go check it out.”
    “I need to freshen up,” Prim declared from the backseat.
    Brandon turned around and gave her a disbelieving look. “We’re this close to the prize, and you want to freshen up ?”
    “Actually, I wouldn’t mind freshening up too,” Sydney interjected. William agreed.
    “Sydney doesn’t want to look as if she’s been traveling all day when I put the curse back on Gavin and he sees her again for the first time,” Prim explained, for Brandon’s benefit. Sydney and William both agreed.
    “Un-fucking-believable,” Brandon snapped irritably.
    “That’s it,” Prim declared, and she waved her hand in the air. Brandon opened and closed his mouth, but no words came out.
    “I am sick and tired of your foul language,” she snapped. “I understand the occasional cuss word, said in anger or frustration or whatever. But you swear nonstop, and frankly, it offends me. So from now on, I’m going to render you speechless every time you do it. Do you understand me?”
    Brandon glared at her and opened and closed his mouth soundlessly, until the spell wore off. “Nobody else is offended by my language, sweetheart,” he said nastily.
    “Actually,” Sydney said, “it’s a little offensive to me, too. Gavin doesn’t swear half as much as you do.”
    “You’re a girl,” Brandon responded. “The two of you fucking bonded on the plane earlier.” Prim waved her hand and he was rendered speechless again.
    “It offends me, too,” William added, smiling sweetly.
    Brandon waited for the spell to wear off. He cleared his throat, making a sound like a cat hacking up a hairball. “Is that stuff permanent?” he wanted to know. “Like, if you do it to me often enough, I’ll permanently lose the power of speech?”
    “Keep swearing and you’ll find out,” Prim replied.
    Brandon huffed out a sigh and turned around in his seat. He backed the car out of its parking space and headed toward the exit. “Guess we’re headed to the ‘burbs,” he muttered. He muttered some other words, too, but it was under his breath and Prim didn’t hear them.
    Twice, they drove by the house Sydney and William had once shared. They drove slowly so Brandon could keep an eye out for anything that looked out of place. When he was reasonably certain no trap was set, he finally pulled into the

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