Saving Georgia

Saving Georgia by Kristin Flynn

Book: Saving Georgia by Kristin Flynn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kristin Flynn
most certainly think so.”
    “OK. Then I want you. You said I can have any girl I want, well, I want you. And for the record Georgia, you’re ten times hotter than Harper.” He says before pulling me into him.
    I laugh so hard, I think my cheeks would burst.
    “What’s so funny?” Jason asks me, sounding genuinely puzzled.
    “You think I’m hotter than Harper Kelly.” I cackle, still trying to control my laughter.
    “I’m not sure if you’ve noticed or not, but she’s not exactly the worlds nicest person, and frankly that takes away from her attractiveness.”
    “Oh. I see.” I said, as I slinked deeper into his embrace. I felt like we were floating and just soaring across the kitchen floor. Two people who know nothing about love, afraid to see what tomorrow brings, but eager to feel the warmth of the others body. There’s no kissing, just touching and holding, and that’s everything that I need, cradled and rocked like a baby wanting to sleep. I smell his natural musk, and lemon-minty breath. I feel his lips resting against my head. His eyelashes tickle my skin, along with his hint of a five o’clock shadow while my fingers dance and find the soft part of his neck where it meets the collar bone. Two people, two souls wanting to find out about love are tainted with their own restraints; are now dancing and thinking about breaking down walls.
    “Let’s go sit down.” Jason croons in our little zero-space.
    “OK.” I nod, and we made our way to the living room. We sat there for a good while, my head on his shoulder, his hands in my hair and that’s when I jolted up.
    “Shane!” I call out, and run after my best friend. I found him in the kitchen.
    “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to leave you.” I apologize.
    “Sweetie it’s fine, I’m just talking to a few of the guys.” Shane assures me, and I am shocked at his cool demure.
    “Really? Come sit with me.” I plead, knowing I will get my way.
    “OK.” Shane says, and we walk hand in hand.
    Once we entered the living room I spot Harper, and she straddles Jason and all but does him right there in front of everyone. It must have been about 3 seconds that I saw but it was enough.
    “Shane, do you remember when I said there was just one thing that could make me walk away? I was wrong, there’s two.”
    I dropped his hand and walked to the front door. Once I got outside I made a mad dash for anywhere but here.
    “Georgia!” I hear my name, but I’m not sure who it is. Shane? Jason? Jenn?
    “Georgia stop!” Stop ? Why would I stop ? “Georgia, wait!” Wait? Wait for what? I’m done waiting. I’m just done, and I can’t handle things like this. I’m not wired right, and this is just an allover malfunction.
    I ran into the woods, deep into the brush, looking for something that I probably won’t ever know what it is even if I found it; I’d discard it as something useless when it could be the one thing that keeps me alive. What use is a dream, when even the possibilities are shattered? I can’t escape this god awful noise, and then I realized it’s me, sobbing. I found this cliff over the Neuse River and the thought occurred to me to end it all. J ust jump, maybe it’ll kill you and it’ll be over.
    “Georgia stop!” I hear, and before I can turn around I am pulled into big familiar arms. “You lovely, stupid girl. You can’t do that.”
    “Shane. I was hoping it was you.” I said, feeling more of a zombie than a human. “I just want all this pain to end. Jason, and Cecil, I don’t know what I was thinking, I can’t even…” ‘think straight’ is what I wanted to say, but the sentence never finished.
    “You need to calm down and relax. Don’t worry about any of that, because none of that is worth your time.” Shane assures me.
    “No, I’m not worth anyone’s time.” I push between clenched teeth.
    “Yes you are. And besides, you still owe me. You can’t do anything until that debt is paid.”
    “Fair point well

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