Saving Georgia

Saving Georgia by Kristin Flynn Page B

Book: Saving Georgia by Kristin Flynn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kristin Flynn
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sleeping in my bed. Quickly I took an inventory to make sure that my chastity was still mine. Are my clothes on? Check. Are his clothes on? Double check. OK, we are good.
    “Good morning, stink face.” Shane says, rolling over, giving me a once over, I guess to assess my mental status. Gosh, last night must have been real.
    “Morning to you too, Shane,” I say, sitting up. “I didn’t scream at night did I?” I ask, ashamed of myself.
    “No, not at all, I mean, you snored so loud I think it could have woken the devil, but that’s it.” Shane says, pinning himself up on an elbow.
    “I do not snore!” I scoff, throwing a pillow at him.
    “I’ll record you one night. It’s a miracle you can talk, let alone sing.” Shane laughs at me. “And I was quite the gentleman. I kept to myself, and made sure you were ok.”
    “Thank you.” I smile.
    There’s a knock at the door, and it opens a crack.
    “Georgia?” Jenn asks to see if I am awake.
    “Come in Jenn. I’m awake.” I said, stretching out, and sitting up in bed.
    “How are you, Georgy?” Jenn asks.
    “I’m good.” Jenn says, holding an ice pack on her hand.
    “What did you do to your hand?” I demand, getting mad because I already know the answer.
    “Ask Harper Kelly’s left eye” Jenn says, with this coy smile pinned in the corner of her mouth.
    “Jennifer Radley Hyde!”I scoff at her.
    “She had it coming and you know it!” Jenn spits out in bits of laughter.
    “Shoot yeah she did. I’m proud of you Jenn.” Shane hollers, sitting up and instantly putting his hat back on his head.
    “Mom and Dad are in the mountains this weekend. They left this morning, and they have no idea about anything about last night and I am thinking we can all agree to keep this hush hush.”
    “Sounds good to me,” I agree, with no hesitation. “Breakfast at the Shiny Diner in Clayton?” I ask.
    “I’m in.” Jenn says, readjusting her ice pack.
    “I’m driving.” Shane says, standing up.
    “I’m not going to argue.” I put my hands up to show defeat.
    “Good. I’ll see you downstairs.” Shane says, walking by Jenn and I.
    “So I know that Shane has slept over in your bed as kids, but was it different this time?” Jenn asks, now that we are alone.
    “Yes, but not in the way you’re thinking Jenn.” I scorn her. “He’s my rock, and my guardian angel. It’s nothing like that.”
    “Mmmhmm, you’ll see.” Jenn says, looking at me with this ‘I know more than you’ look plastered on her face.
    “OK, whatever wraps this conversation up.” I said in defeat.
    “Let’s go. I’m buying.”
    “I’ll be down in a minute, I just want to rinse off in the shower. I’ll be quick.”
    I hopped right in and made it as quick as possible. I didn’t want to go out smelling like a musky gym sock, and my hair looks like night of the living dead.
    I ran from the bathroom to my room to get ready, and I ran right into Shane in... my bedroom.
    “Shane!” I scream. I can feel the crimson pooling in my cheeks from pure embarrassment.
    “Georgia, oh my God, I’m so sorry.” Shane said, turning as red in the face as I sure I am by now.
    “Get out!” I shriek.
    Shane ran out with his head down as fast as his feet could take him, and I slammed the door as hard as I could behind him.
    Never had I been more embarrassed in my life. Oh my gosh, he just saw me naked! Naked ! I scampered to get dressed as fast as possible. I threw on some shorts and a tank top. I found my old flip flops and a camo John Deere hat. That’ll do.
    I ran down the stairs and out into the truck. I hopped in next to Shane and was bound and determined to keep my eyes forward, while Jenn slid in next to me.
    “Dalton, let’s go.” I said, trying to keep my cool.
    “Kay.” He said, turning the engine over.
    “What’s your beef?” Jenn asked.
    “Nothing,” Shane and I said in unison.
    “Yeah, uh huh, not buying it.” Jen said, looking out the window. She knows when I’m

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