Pieces of Me

Pieces of Me by Rachel Ryan

Book: Pieces of Me by Rachel Ryan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rachel Ryan
with some guy, she was no longer an issue. They had both attended University in Sydney and then moved back to Coffs Harbour to start up their own Advertising Business. They got engaged eighteen months ago and their wedding is scheduled for four months away, on Valentine’s Day.
    The next afternoon I am sitting at my kitchen table in the middle of marking yesterday’s test papers when I hear a knock on the door. Assuming it’s Lacie I throw open the door to see Jake standing there in dark jeans and a light blue polo shirt, his dark hair messy and his hands in his pockets.
    “Hey…Jake. What are you doing here?”
    “I got a text message from Lacie telling me to come around. She said she was in town for the night and said you wanted us both to come around for dinner.”
    “Oh, sure, come in.” So he kept in touch with Lacie all of these years but he didn’t feel the need to keep in touch with me. He and Lacie hadn’t even been that close when we were kids. My body starts to tremble slightly, anger coursing through me. He claims that he was in love with me but couldn’t even keep in touch with me? I am so confused.
    I tell him to take a seat in the living room before walking into the kitchen to scoop up the test papers and put them away. They will have to wait until tomorrow. While I’m in the kitchen I hear the front door open and Cameron’s voice as she greets Jake. I’m pretty sure I also heard Levi’s voice as well; those two seem to be spending quite a bit of time together lately. I wonder if it’s exclusive. Walking back into the living room, my suspicions are confirmed when I see Cameron sitting beside Levi on the two seater sofa. Sitting down on the three seater beside Jake I greet Levi.
    A few minutes later the front door flies open and Lacie is dragging in a large suitcase. She looks into the room and her eyes light up when she spots Jake. Dumping her suitcase on the floor with a loud thud, she walks straight to him as he rises up off the sofa and she pretty much throws herself into his arms.
    “Hey, Stranger. Long time no see.”
    “Hey yourself.” He hugs her for a few minutes and when he releases her she makes her way to me and wraps her arms around my neck, slapping a kiss on my cheek.
    “Um…Lacie.” I glance over at her suitcase sitting by the door. “I thought you were only staying for the night.”
    “I am. It’s not just clothes in there. There’s makeup and hair care products and shoes, lollies, chocolate, alcohol, just the essentials.”
    Jake chuckles and I smile at my friend. Over the last six years she hasn’t really changed. Her blond hair is styled in a blunt bob and her clothes are a little more professional. But, she is still the funny, sweet, charming girl that she always was.
    Lacie looks a little surprised as she suddenly notices Cameron and Levi sitting on the other sofa. Introductions are made and then I help Lacie cart her suitcase into my room.
    As soon as the door is closed I spin around and glare at her.
    “What the hell is your game?”
    She feigns innocence as she looks around my room.
    “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
    “Lacie, why is Jake here?”
    “Shh, he’ll hear you. I just thought it would be nice for all of us to spend some time together, like the old days. He said that you guys have been hanging out a little since he arrived in Sydney, so I didn’t think you would mind me inviting him over. Do you mind?”
    Sighing, I run my hands through my hair.
    “It’s not that I don’t want him here, it’s just…it’s been a little awkward between us lately.”
    I had called Lacie a couple of days after Nathan’s party and told her all about what had happened between Jake and I. She wasn’t surprised at all and said that it was always pretty obvious to everyone that Jake thought of me as more than just a friend. Everyone but me it seems.
    “Well, it will remain awkward until the issue is sorted out.”
    “There is no issue;

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