Breastfeeding My Boss - An Erotic Story (Lactating Sex)
Breastfeeding My Boss
    Angie Rogers walked into her office and
suppressed the butterflies in her stomach. It was her first day
back since she’d given birth. Little Abbey was in the company
daycare center downstairs, but it felt like she was a million miles
    Her desk looked exactly as she’d left it,
which didn’t seem possible. Boyd Green, her boss and the company
owner, had hired an office temp to help him for the ten weeks she’d
been out on leave. She had to have worked right here.
    Boyd must’ve been waiting for her, because
his door swung open to reveal him lounging against the frame. The
sight of him all dressed up in his expensive suit with a neatly
trimmed black beard hit her like a truck. He looked like a modern
day pirate, dangerous and sexy. His lazy grin made it hard for her
to breathe.
    Her reaction was even stronger than before
she went on maternity leave because her hormones were still raging
out of control. Getting back into a professional relationship with
him was going to be challenging when all she wanted to do was see
what was under that suit.
    He pushed off the door and came out to give
her a tight hug. “It’s so good to have you back! The place
hasn’t been the same without you.”
    If his looks had hit her hard, his touch was
much stronger. Jolts of electricity shot through her and bounced in
every direction, before settling deep in her pussy, making her clit
throb with need. The sharp scent of his aftershave shut down the
reasoning centers of her brain, leaving only lust in its place. She
barely stopped her leg from rising to curl around him.
    Angie trembled when he pulled back, but
moved behind her desk to hide it from him. “It’s good to be back,
but something has been the same: my desk. You did hire a temp. I
know, because I trained her.”
    “Maybe I let her sit at my desk with me.” He
wiggled his eyebrows to add to the impression he was trying to
    She shook her head. “Some things never
change. All talk and no action Boyd struck out with the temp,
didn’t he?”
    “Well, she was hot, but she wasn’t you. I’ve
told you I don’t fool around when I’m in a relationship. We have
this thing.”
    She laughed. “This thing called work. You
won’t even go out with everyone for a drink, much less hit on one
of the girls here. You talk the talk, but we both know you don’t
walk the walk.” Much to her regret.
    He shrugged. “You caught me. I’m just
sitting in my little corner office watching all the pretty girls
walk by. It’s sad, really.”
    “Right. I’ve seen some of the girls you
date, hot young bimbos with more silicone than IQ. No sympathy
    “I’m between bimbos at the moment.” His eyes
dropped to her chest and lingered just a few moments too long for a
simple glance. “I may have to point out that you seem to be aiming
for that result yourself. Your assets appear to have grown.”
    She smiled at the sexual innuendo. That
might be sexual harassment for most people, but it was how they’d
grown closer. She didn’t miss the flicker of interest he quickly
suppressed, either. That was very, very interesting. “It’s called
breastfeeding. It turns out I produce a lot of milk.”
    “Mmmm, milk, it does a body good,” he
murmured just loudly enough for her to hear. He licked his lips
    She suspected he wondered what it tasted
like. Maybe she’d make him a cup of coffee with her own special
creamer, and not tell him until he was taking a big sip.
    “Thank you. So, boss, what’s first?”
    He gestured at the supply room behind her
desk. “Well, I thought you’d have the little one with you, so we
cleared out some space in there to give you a private feeding area.
I figured you’d keep the door open so you could have her
    “Awww! That’s so sweet! She’s down in the
daycare, but I’ll bring her up this afternoon so everyone can say
hello. Thank you so much. I feel bad that I won’t be putting it

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