Counting on Cayne (Hallow River Book 1)

Counting on Cayne (Hallow River Book 1) by Ada Rome

Book: Counting on Cayne (Hallow River Book 1) by Ada Rome Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ada Rome
straight. He reached over
the small space of the office and flipped the lock on the door. He shifted the
papers that littered the desk, clearing a space in the middle.
    “Turn around,” he
instructed me.
    I turned to face the desk
and felt his palm pressing flat on my back, angling my upper body gently
    “Now bend over, baby,”
he whispered.
    I bent low over the
desk, placing my hands on its surface with my fingers spread. A rush of air hit
my thighs as Cayne flipped my skirt up and over my back. He reached over the
top of the desk, opened a drawer on the other side, and pulled out a condom.
    A part of my brain knew
this was crazy. There was a garage full of mechanics and customers on the other
side of the wall. But my body craved Cayne like a drug. I was utterly incapable
of resisting. I would never be able to resist.
    I heard the tearing of
the condom wrapper from behind me as I stayed bent over the desk. This was
followed by the buzz of an opening zipper and a rustle of cloth.
    He slowly and delicately
pinched the top of my panties between his fingertips and slid them down over my
hips and thighs until they dropped around my ankles. I kicked them off to the
side. He kneaded and rubbed my naked ass with both hands and teasingly spanked
it twice.
    I bent lower, my nose
nearly touching the desktop. He pried my legs farther apart. I poked my ass up
higher toward him. He grasped and lifted my hips. Then, with a sudden forceful
thrust and a rush of heat, he plunged thick, rigid, and deep into my vagina. I
cried out in urgent lust, my fingernails scratching into the wooden surface of
the desk. He pulled out in a long wet slide and entered me again. I gripped the
rim of the desk with white knuckles.
    “How does that feel,
baby? You like it when I fuck you from behind?”
    “Oh my god, yes,” I
panted. “Fuck me harder, Cayne. Fuck me as hard as you can. Make me scream.”
    He plunged into me with
more vigor, lifting my hips higher and thrusting harder and deeper. He reached
forward and massaged me with his fingers while he filled me up strong and full.
My erect nipples grazed the desktop through the fabric of my dress. The tingling
pressure of his fingers combined with each powerful slippery thrust to send me
into agonies of ecstasy.
    “Holy shit, you feel so
fucking good,” he gasped. He spanked me hard again and then gripped my hips
tightly. “Tell me you want this forever. Tell me you want me to fuck you just
like this forever.”
    “I want you to, Cayne,”
I moaned. “Just like this forever. Please. I need you to.”
    My orgasm was building.
We were both breathing heavily. He pounded into me with speed and force as his
rough fingers rubbed my clit again and again. My hands hurt where I clutched
the edge of the desk, but I couldn’t let go. My mind and body were totally
overwhelmed by the throbbing intensity of our passion. I didn’t know if anyone
outside could hear us, but I didn’t care at that point. I moaned and gasped in
an increasing rhythm, signaling that I was getting close to orgasm.
    “That’s it, girl,” he
said. “I want to hear you. Make it loud. Scream for me.”
    He pounded into me faster,
crashing against the backs of my naked thighs with each forceful plunge until an
unbearable rush of pleasure made my entire body tense, my back arch low over
the desk, and a full-throated ecstatic groan escape from my parted lips. He
thrust into me strong and deep several more times and came with a low rumbling
growl and a thick final shudder of release. I lay flat on the desk, relaxing my
fingers and sighing with satisfaction as the final few surges of orgasm coursed
through my body.
    He pulled out. I stood
up straight. He spun me around and kissed me long and hard, his fingers
gripping the side of my neck. Our racing hearts slowed together. We stood in
silence for several minutes.
    I bent down to retrieve
my panties from the floor. We dressed and readjusted our clothes. Once we had both

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