Perspectives, An Intriguing Tale of an American Born Terrorist

Perspectives, An Intriguing Tale of an American Born Terrorist by Jeffrey Shapiro

Book: Perspectives, An Intriguing Tale of an American Born Terrorist by Jeffrey Shapiro Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jeffrey Shapiro
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That would be concealing evidence.”
    Burton smiled, “Well now you see why we’re in a little bind here, because you don’t remember and we have evidence that says that you were involved.”
    “Someone else must have done it. It’s pretty obvious that I’m being framed.”
    “By whom?” asked Burton.
    “I don’t know, perhaps the terrorists somehow hacked into my account.”
    “Impossible,” laughed Snyder. “No one has ever hacked into the agency’s systems. You know as well as me that the encryption is impenetrable.”
    Burton confirmed, “No, not even a tech inside Yahoo has the ability to eliminate all traces of a user and all of his emails. There are too many controls. It takes an expert in computer engineering, someone with a license to do whatever they want within other people’s systems, someone who could use their authority and access to by-pass all of the internal controls.” Burton raised his voice, “And according to this list of transactions, initiated from your corporate headquarters, you did it!” Burton adeptly flipped another tab open as if playing his trump card. “You made the changes through a series of JCL at 12:23, 7 minutes before the explosion, and deleted the audit trail with another pre-written JCL at 12:26, 4 minutes before the explosion. And then you grabbed your daughter and ran to the most secure part of the building, the stairwell. Fortunately our server captured a snapshot of the whole series of transactions. Jonathan, we have a trail so clear a blind man could follow it showing that the emails were changed from your id through your access authority.”
    Jonathan stood up, pushed his chair aside and looked directly at Burton, You’ve got to be crazy if you believe I had anything to do with that. I would never do anything like that! For Christ’s sake, I can’t believe you’re trying to make me a part of this thing? My kids were in that building! Why in the world would I kill my own son and put my daughter in mortal danger? It doesn’t make any sense. What would be my motive? You talk about a trail, but you guys know me. Someone obviously figured out how to trick the system and was logged onto my account. Can’t you see what’s happening here, there was another person manipulating the system to set me up as a diversion.”
    “Mr. Anderson, you know as well as I do how secure our system is,” answered Snyder. “If you were sitting on this side of the table and someone suggested that our mainframe was compromised, you’d be the first one to say that it is impossible. Jonathan, think about it. The likelihood of someone breaking into your id, making all those changes right before the explosion is pretty far fetched.”
    Burton interrupted, “Furthermore, you still haven’t explained why all the Heliracer emails were sent to Eye2Eye that has your address as the billing address. So the thought is now that you were in some kind of a cell and communicating with your raghead buddies on a personal account. You have quite a bit of explaining to do Mr. Anderson.”
    Jonathan walked around the table and opened the door. There were 2 security guards posted outside so he couldn’t exit. He walked back to the head of the table and said, “This is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard. Anyone can set up an email account, and use any address they want. That doesn’t prove anything! You think that I would conspire with terrorists to blow up a building with my own children in it? What do you think I am? If I was to do something like this, don’t you think I would make sure my children were absent and that maybe I was also outside the building.”
    “Your children were scheduled to be at the pediatricians at that time, but it appears that your schedule was changed.”
    “And I couldn’t have just walked out of the building with my son and daughter before the explosion? Even if I was a terrorist, I wouldn’t kill my kids.”
    Burton answered, “I’m just telling you

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