Perspectives, An Intriguing Tale of an American Born Terrorist

Perspectives, An Intriguing Tale of an American Born Terrorist by Jeffrey Shapiro Page A

Book: Perspectives, An Intriguing Tale of an American Born Terrorist by Jeffrey Shapiro Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jeffrey Shapiro
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what we’ve found, and explaining that there are inconsistencies in your story.”
    “I didn’t give you any story. You’re wasting your time thinking that I had something to do with this, because I didn’t. Give me a polygraph, but don’t give me your condescending bullshit.”
    Burton ignored his comments and continued, “Now I have several other very incriminating emails that we discovered in our parallel search from Eye2Eye , also linked to your address that I would like to talk to you about.”
    “If you’re accusing me of wrongdoing, I want an attorney.”
    Burton laughed. “Under the Hart-Langley Act provision 36, suspects being investigated for acts of terror and treason aren’t allowed an attorney.”
    “So now you’re formally charging me with treason.”
    Burton answered, “Yes, you’re under arrest for conspiracy and treason. You understand that by not cooperating, you could subject yourself to mandatory indefinite imprisonment.”
    “What about my rights?” asked Jonathan. “Are you going to read me my Miranda rights?”
    “You forfeited your rights as an American by conspiring with terrorists,” answered Burton.
    “This is un-American, what about my constitutional rights?”
    Friedkin answered, “This is the new America and those rights have been suspended until we determine your role in this event.”
    “I have nothing else to say to you,” said a disbelieving Jonathan.
    Burton handed Jonathan a list. “We need you to give us all the agency’s property that you have in your possession.”
    Jonathan scanned the list and saw each item listed with a description and a serial number.
    “We have agents that are presently at your home retrieving our property and the guards at the door will escort you back to your desk so that you can bring us the remainder.
    The guards took him back to his office. They quickly gathered his computer, his palm pilot, his blackberry, cell phone, memory sticks, bullet proof vest and all the other pieces of equipment listed on Burton’s paper. They then led him back to the conference room and laid all the items on the table where Burton took inventory. Friedkin picked up one of the memory sticks and stuck it into the USB port of his computer. He whispered something to Snyder and Burton and then turned to Jonathan.
    “Personnel directories….you weren’t thinking of taking this home with you, were you Mr. Anderson? And it looks like CBL1 programming, why would you have that on a memory stick?”
    Jonathan folded his arms and looked down at the table.
    Burton smiled, knowing that they had caught him red handed said, “We are going to take you on a little trip. Don’t worry, we’ll call your wife and tell her that you’re not coming home for a while.”

Chapter 9
    Jonathan opened his eyes and knew that he was in a place that he had never been before. The heat was staggering and the sheet that covered his foam mattress was soaking wet from his sweat. His tried to wipe a drip of sweat from his eye but was too slow because of the handcuffs that bound his hands together. His feet were also bound. He squinted through the burn of the sweat and saw that he was in a prison cell made of stone, locked in by a solid steel door. There was one small window letting in the searing tropical heat. The window was barred but without glass. He sat up on his bed and felt dizzy. His body ached and the pain in his left arm was nearly unbearable. He looked at it and saw that it was bruised from his wrist to his elbow. He looked at his right arm and which seemed okay. He struggled to his feet only to find more pain, this time from the bottom of his feet and his toes, which were covered with dried blood. He forced his way with small hops to the window and looked out at the tropical landscape. The palm trees swayed and by the position of the sun, he surmised that it was sometime in the afternoon. The compound was surrounded with a high fence topped with concertina wire and there

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