
    From: 9543254
    Subject: Quiet
    Date: October 18, 12:09 a.m.
    To: 9565876
    You okay?
    From: 9543254
    Subject: Quiet
    Date: October 18, 12:15 a.m.
    To: 9565876
    Please answer me when you get this & let me know you’re okay
    I avoided Gable the entire week, coming in late to psych class Monday, Wednesday and Friday just as Dr. Horner had started her lectures, and sat on the front row then left quickly after class before he could approach me. I didn’t reply to his emails and I even managed to change shifts with Natalie so I didn’t have to work with him.
    Maybe this was stupid because it seemed that he and I did nothing but play hide and seek from each other every other week, but I was so angry and hurt about what had happened between us. And it didn’t help any that I couldn’t stop thinking about that kiss. It’d been so perfect and he’d tasted so good and felt so amazing that I couldn’t help but want more of him. I’d even woken myself up a couple times, hand between my legs and moaning like a porn star since he’d been starring in my dreams all week. But then I’d remember that it meant nothing to him. That I meant nothing to him. I was just the same as all the others before me and that just pissed me off even more.
    So knowing all this, I knew I needed to get a grip, let it go and face the fact that he and I would only be friends because I wasn’t about to become a member of the Revolving Door Brigade, aka the women that lined up to get a piece of the man himself.
    And that made me sadder than sad.
    “Priss. Long time no talk.”
    I placed my tray on the bar. It was Friday night and I’d managed to stay out of his path all week. “Yeah, I’ve been busy.” I wasn’t going to be hateful to him; why would I when I really did care about him? So I tightened my resolve when he grinned at me and gave him a small smile back.
    “Hi, handsome,” Alyssa crooned as she stepped up beside me, setting her tray down as she made googly eyes at Gable which made me want to punch her.
    He turned and jerked his chin up at her, pretty much blowing her off as he filled her order.
    “So, baby, we on for tonight?” she asked him.
    He stood at the beer tap and I saw his spine go straight. When he turned and set two beer mugs and a pitcher on the counter, he leaned in and said to her, “I’m not your baby. Look, Alyssa, we had fun a few times. It’s run its course. Nothing personal.”
    She stared at him with her mouth hanging open.
    I take it back. This was awkward.
    I watched her face twist into some demonic entity which made me step away from her then hands on her hips, she leaned right back and spit at him, “You think you’re so big and bad, Gable Powers. But let me tell you this, my boyfriend is so much better than you! So you can go fuck yourself for all I care!” She picked up her tray and spun around so fast that a new waitress would’ve spilled everything, but not Alyssa. She was a veteran at this and handled it pretty damned gracefully, I had to say.
    I turned and regarded Gable with raised brows only to see his eyes dancing with humor.
    “Wow,” I mumbled.
    He leaned down placing his forearms on the counter getting right up in my face. “That? Huge mistake, Priss. To be honest, I only hit it once and it was done before it was over, and that was two months ago. I also didn’t know she had a boyfriend.”
    I pulled back, looking skeptically at him. I also threw a little indifference in there.
    He shrugged. “What can I say? Not lookin’ to be tied down. She’s hot. Made sense at the time.”
    I shrugged offhandedly. Why did I care? I was sticking to the “just friends” rule I’d set anyway, so he owed me no explanations whatsoever

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