Cutting Up The Competition (Horror High #2)

Cutting Up The Competition (Horror High #2) by Carissa Ann Lynch

Book: Cutting Up The Competition (Horror High #2) by Carissa Ann Lynch Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carissa Ann Lynch
was so freaked out myself, I had to get out of there…” she said, apologetically.
    “It’s okay, really.”
    Winter smiled at me, plopping down on my unmade bed, looking around at my posters.
    “I wonder if they found any clues in Sydney’s bedroom,” she wondered aloud.
    I sat down on the bed too, picturing Sydney’s room and how it looked so neat and clean when I stayed the other night.
    “We should go over there. See if she left any clues,” I said. It was so random of me to say, and the idea completely surprised me. Where did that come from?
    Winter’s eyes lit up, like this would be an adventure. “I have my brother’s car. We could drive over there, if you think we can get inside.”
    “We can figure it out or…” I thought for a minute, about how long Dakota and Sydney had been friends. “If there’s an extra key hidden outside somewhere, like under a rock or planter, Dakota would know about it. We should ask her to come along.”
    The thought of actually going inside Sydney’s empty house should have frightened me, but for some reason, I didn’t care. I wanted to find out who took my friend and I was willing to take some risks to do it.
    I pulled out my cell phone, dialing Dakota’s number. As it rang, I peered out my side window, checking to see if her bedroom lights were on next door.
    Her bedroom was dark. I tried a couple more times, then resorted to texting her.
    Me: Are you up? Late night mission: we need you.
    I stared at the ‘we’ part. Usually ‘we’ meant me and Sydney when I was texting Dakota, but now Sydney was gone…
    “I still have feelings for Andy.”
    I whipped around, staring at this white-haired stranger on my bed. Really? Of all the times to confess her feelings for my best friend’s boyfriend, now is the time she does it?
    Fighting the urge to smack her, I found my Keds and slipped them on, then I opened my closet to get a jacket out.
    “I’m going to forget you told me that for now, ’cause we’re going over to Dakota’s to wake her up. Tonight—my only focus is figuring out something that can help us find Sydney.”

    It wasn’t my first time throwing rocks at Dakota’s window, and like the last time, she poked her head through the curtains after a few minutes. She met us outside moments later.
    “Get in,” I said, pointing at Jordan’s Mazda parked in the street.
    “I’m not going anywhere with her.” Dakota was sleepy-eyed and groggy, but her focus was clear—she still hated Winter and didn’t trust her one bit.
    Can’t say I really blamed her after learning she was still after Andy…
    “Listen, Dakota. I’m sorry for kissing Andy last year. I didn’t know you guys were seeing each other…and the truth is, well…Andy and I have known each other since we were kids. We’ll always have feelings for each other,” Winter explained.
    If looks could kill, Winter would already be dead. Dakota glared at her. For a moment I was worried she might be the one throwing punches today…
    “Nope. Still not going,” Dakota said, shaking her head back and forth childishly.
    “Do it for Sydney,” I pressed, walking toward the car and leaving them both behind.
    Moments later, Dakota climbed in the back and Winter took the driver’s seat. “I don’t know where she lives,” Winter said, starting up the engine and pulling away from the curb as quietly as possible.
    “I don’t know where she lives,” Dakota mocked in the back.
    “Shut up, both of you. I’ll give you directions,” I ordered.
    Less than five minutes later, we were parked in front of Sydney’s hulking McMansion.
    “Nice house.” Winter stared up at it, suddenly looking frightened. “Are you sure no one’s home?” she asked, voice quivering.
    “For Sydney’s sake, let’s hope there is. I haven’t been able to get a hold of her grandmother and Detective Simms can’t seem to reach her parents,” I

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